Ch.3 First day as a student

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After the battle of All Might and Spider-man Against El Toro, Peter has discovered he is not in his Universe because no one knows who he is as Spider-man, which in his world the whole world knows Spider-man and in this world they don't know who he is, Peter swings to a dark ally and stays hidden then takes off his mask and already panicking.

Spider-man: oh geez!, oh geez!, This is not my Universe!....ok peter calm down...calm down...* takes a deep breath* ok...i just need help, this might be a world full of heroes...if their is heroes their might be a possible way for me to get back home...i just need some help to find a way back home that's all. And perhaps some clothes because im just wearing my suit...and im wearing underwear and no shirt under....

Meanwhile, we look at the Principles office in U.A

All Might: * in true form* and so he just swinged away , I was wondering if he's a student here In U.A.

Nezu: well Mr. All Might, i checked our student's list and non of their hero names are " Spider-man", which can only mean one thing, He must be a transfered student from a Different Nation. we must have contact with his parents or Guardian at once, I'll call in Some of our teachers to Find him and to bring him here.

All Might: ok, Sounds like a plan

Nezu: * takes a sip off my tea* it's getting late now Mr.All Might, you should be going.

All Might: Your gonna stay here?

Nezu: of course, until the other teachers find Spider-man.

All might: ok, have a good day Principal Nezu. * gets up and walks to the door*

Nezu: good day to you All Might * waves*

After All might walks out Of U.A, Izuku Midoryia is walking to his dorm with his Notebook, writing about Spider-man.

Izuku: * mumbling some words* he shoots webs....have powers of a spider...and doesn't know who is all Might is...Can this be a new hero from another country? or a Different state- * bumps into Tsuyu and Uraraka*

Tsuyu: whoops, sorry Midoryia chan, ribbit.

Uraraka: are you ok deku? you seemed a bit stressed?

Izuku: no, I'm fine, it's just im still studying about that Spider-man earlier today

Uraraka: Tell me about it, Everyone in campus were talking about it today after P.E

Tsuyu: If everyone is talking about it, that might mean the person who is Spider-man doesn't come to U.A

Izuku: i was thinking about that right now, i Believe he might be from a different country or state.

Tsuyu: not just that, He didn't know what Quirk meant, Ribbit.

Uraraka: That is true, or he Doesn't know who is All Might either

Izuku: but his quirk, is just like sero's

Sero opens his dorm after hearing his name

Sero: someone called?

izuku: oh hey sero, sorry by disturbing you

Sero: oh no its ok, i was just watching Tv until i heard you guys talking about the New Hero that we saw this morning.

Tsuyu: your right, and his quirk is kinda like yours. ribbit

sero: that's true, Instead of Tape he has some type of webs.

Uraraka: Do you think it's someone from your relatives sero?

Sero: Nope, Non of my Relatives have that type of quirk

Izuku: well, Let's just see if We can see him again.

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