Ch. 5 The Plan

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After Parker ran outside having horrible flashbacks of his uncles Death, His Aunts death, and thinking of his parents, Peter ran somewhere in the streets and sat down crying. While Midoryia and Yaoyorozu are looking for him and yelling his name, meanwhile we see the villains breaking in the city's power plot.

Mysterio: * walks to it* so that's the power plot huh?

Dabi: what else do you think it is? so what's the plan now genius?

Suddenly a bunch of guards come to them with their guns yelling " stop right their!"

Toga: No fair! here come the party crushers!

Dabi: you do what is best Mysterio, we will take care of them * hand catches on blue fire *

Mysterio: very well, * walks to the power plot and takes out the Omni heart*

the security guards started to shoot while Dabi and toga are covering Mysterio

Toga: Hey 12! * stabs a bunch of them to death* you guys are always ruining our perfect moment!

Dabi: * blast many blue fire at them burning them alive* any time now mysterio

Mysterio: * opens up the power plot and tosses the Omni heart in it* It's working! yes!

Toga: yay! look like we are having new friends coming after all!

Dabi: * holds the last security guard face and burns him* how long will it take?

Mysterio: not so much time, just a few more Seconds

Now 3 pro heroes burst in, One was skinny and brown arms looking like woods, the second one is a lady with blond hair and purple horns, the third one is a huge man with a strong body.

Death arms: Hey! you three! what are you scums doing here!

Kamui woods: oh lord...look at what they have done to the security guards! * looks at their dead bodys*

Mt.lady: oh no...* gags a bit* i think i'm gonna be sick!..

Toga: awww man! more part crashers!

Dabi: don't worry these guys wont be so tough...

Mysterio: leave this to me * walks to them*

Death arms: who are you! well what ever you are! * runs to him lifting up my arm for a punch* Your going down!

Mysterio: * floats up in the air and summons a bunch of green fog around us*

Toga: ahh! this reminds me of Mustard!

Death arms: what the- * stops and looks around*

Kamui woods: * uses my arms to extend to go up and sees him* their you are!

Mysterio: * blast a green beam at his eyes*

Kamui woods: ah! * falls down and lands on my feet rubbing my eyes* what was that?

mt.Lady: i can't grow..ill make this place collapse

Mysterio: your right * appears behind Mt.lady and grabs her head while green light are going into her head*

Mt.lady: ahh! leave me! * eyes glow green*

Death arms: yu! * runs to him* you son of a bitch! * punches him but his punch goes thru him* what the...

Mysterio: how clever * made a bunch of clones* which one is the real me? * blast the same green beam at Death arms eyes*

Death arms: er! what did you do!? * rubs my eyes*

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