No Pain No Gain

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Here's another chapter!


I eat all the pork slices given to me and I even had seconds, and then I got full.
And the rest of the boar was eaten by Sesshomaru and Jaken.
But now we were travelling again on the road, me walking beside Sesshomaru.

We just argued awhile ago, and I can feel Sesshomaru's mood still was sour.
I wanted to know where we were going but I decided not to ask him.

Instead Jaken asked the question for me.
"Milord where are we heading?"

I look up at Sesshomaru awaiting his answer.
"His village."
Sesshomaru answered.

"Inuyasha's village?"
Jaken looked to me.
"Is it because of him?"

Sesshomaru didn't answer, and I yawn cause I got too much sleep and I'm also bored.
Sesshomaru looked to me.
"Are you tired?"
Sesshomaru asked me.

"Not really.
I'm just bored really."
I answer honestly.
"I haven't went this long without playing video games."

"Video games?"
Sesshomaru asked confused.

"'s something to entertain people."
I tell Sesshomaru.
"We had them where I'm from."

Sesshomaru looked at me then forward.
"Deal with your boredom."
Sesshomaru said rather cruelly.

I look away from him, sweatdropping.
I didn't say anything, and continued walking beside Sesshomaru.

I truly don't know how long we began walking, but I was getting tired, and I'm not much of a person who does very active activities, so I'm sweating really bad, and panting.
"I can't go on anymore!"
I slump to my knees, breathing hard.

"If you weren't so fat then you could human!"
Jaken scoffed.

"I'm naturally fat!
I've always been this chubby since I was a baby!"
I exclaim at Jaken.
"It's in my genes!"

"Jaken leave him be."
Sesshomaru walked over to me, and kneeled down on his knees, his back facing me.
"Climb upon me."
I blink in shock at what he meant.
I do as asked, and wrap my arms around his neck, and wrap my thighs around his waist.

"Are you sure I'm not heavy?"
I ask him, and Sesshomaru stays silent, standing up, and walks with me on his back.
"Um....thank you then for carrying me."
I thank Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru kept silent, and walked with his hands on my round rump, and I felt his claws pricking my rump through my pants.
I lay my chin upon his fur pelt, and sigh, feeling how warm the fluffy fur pelt is, and how soft it was, and it smelled like some kind of flower mixed with vanilla.

He even smells good and forbidden.
Why is this guy so perfect?!
Perfect and beautiful?!
Yet I'm not even in his league though!
I thought to myself, sighing in sadness at my thoughts, my sigh hitting his right ear.

Sesshomaru side-glanced at me.
"Why do you sigh?"
Sesshomaru asked me so suddenly.

"It's nothing."
I lie to him.

"Are you still upset at me?"
Sesshomaru asked me.

That's right I was mad at him.
I thought to myself.
But now I don't get why I was.

"No, I'm not mad anymore.
To be honest I don't know why I was."
I sigh again.
"You're lucky to have looks like what you've got, since I'm so ugly."
I admit to Sesshomaru.

Chubby Boy And The Dog {Sesshomaru Yaoi {17-18+}Where stories live. Discover now