Chapter five: The visit

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Kelly and Charlie opened there doors got out of the car; they closed the doors and headed to the front door.  When they got to the Kelly looked at Charlie then down at her notes 'okay ready? Now remember this is his parents House be patient with them they are going to be scared, or be gentle they might not know at all" she said.

Charlie knocked while nodding 'yes I know, I hope things go well with this case' he told her as he knocked a second time then waited the door opened a second later 'hello? How may I help you? She asked, Charlie looked up from his own notes he put them away with one hand and reached out with the other.

'Hi my name is Officer Charlie walker may we come in?' He said turning to his partner, 'hi I'm officer Kelly booth she told her 'I'm patty dark my husband Jim is in the kitchen making lunch, yes come in would like some with us?' She replied letting them through. As they headed to the kitchen Charlie and Kelly looked around 'you've got a nice home here miss' they said as they got to the kitchen, Jim was checking the lunch witch was in the oven Jim turned around to see Charlie and Kelly in the doorway.

'Well hello there' he said closing the door back up, 'dear this is officer Charlie and officer Kelly they would like to talk to us about something' She explained.

'Why don't we sit down then' he suggested 'don't mind if we do thanks' they replied while going to their seats, 'please keep an open mind please as we talk to you' Charlie told them as Kelly got her set of notes while they sat down. Before we start would anyone like a drink' Patty asked holding the back of her chair.

They shook their head 'no thanks maybe with our lunch' Kelly replied, she nodded and sat down beside her husband who was beside Kelly. 'Know let's start with when was the last time you saw your son?' Charlie asked patty frowned and looked at Jim.

'3 days ago before he went to that stupid party shouldn't have let him go I bet his girl friends were up to something' he said putting his hand on his wife's shoulder, 'Why have you found him? Patty whimpered.

'Were you close to John?  Did anyone hate your son? Kelly asked, she was flipping through her pages they looked at each other.

Then Jim looked at Charlie 'not that we know of everyone liked our boy' he replied, Charlie nodded, Kelly noted it in her book. 'We're sorry but it's our job to ask these so we get our clues' Charlie stated they breathed in slowly 'yes we understand but must understand that it's been hard' Jim told them.

At that there was silence after 'ding ding' Charlie got up without a word to check on the food. 'Miss if it's no problem may we see his room? We won't touch anything we promise' Kelly asked.

Patty nodded Kelly then got up, it's down the hall you can't miss it' She added. She started to cry Charlie got up then too and followed Kelly down the hall. 'Who would want to take or hurt a person like John?  According to his parents he was well liked and from what miss cookie said I'd dare even say loved ' she was saying while looking at pictures on his desk.

'Hmm well come look at this Kelly he might not have been well liked here' he told her while pointing at a picture,'  'that's his cousin on the right, they were not on good terms that day, they always patch things up though' Patty explained while in the door way.

'Oh and lunch is ready by the way' She added turning around to head back to the kitchen, the officers nodded 'okay thanks' he said he looked at Kelly 'call it in I'll be in the kitchen' He replied.

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