𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑

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                             ~the next day~

You thought about catching up with Mina before class starts since you both always woke up really early for some reason. You headed to her dorm to see what she was doing.

*Knock Knock*

Mina opened the door.

"Oh hey, (Y/n)! You came here to hang out for a little bit?" Mina said like the happy person she was. You nodded, and you guys stayed in her dorm room until 10 minutes before class, so that you could get all your stuff when class started. You reminded Mina that you were going the sit with the big three again because she tended to forget sometimes.

"Yeah! I heard their quirk was really coo-" a notification popped up on your phone and you looked at it, then at the same time you noticed what time it was.

"Mina! We're almost late, class starts in two minutes!" You started to panic, you didn't want to be late. Mina calmed you down and you both got to class just in time.

"Wow, Mina and (L/n). You're right on time, we thought you would miss class today."

You got a bit flustered at that reaction. "Sorry, Midnight."

"Oh, c'mon, (Y/n)! it's not a huge deal." Mina quietly whispered in your ear. You gave her the 'yeah, I get it' Look and walked to your seat behind Kirishima.

"Alright, class. We will be testing out our quirks again today, some of you guys are not making any progress." Mr. Aizawa ordered the class to put on their gym uniforms, and headed outside.

"Ugh, finally! That felt like a decade." Mina groaned while walking with you, you reminded her again just so she wouldn't forget.

"Alright, see you Mina! Have fun without me!" You joked around. Mina got worked up on the response you gave her, but brushed it off. After you walked her to her table, Mirio came running up to you.

"Heya, (Y/n)! Our table is over here if you're still wanting to sit with us." You nodded and headed over to their table to see where they were sitting.

Nejire turned to you. "So, (l/n)! Do you order lunch? We are about to go to the lunch line to get some food."

"Oh! Yeah, I do. I'll come with you guys. Also, please call me (F/n)!" It was easier to remember that way, so you always told people to call you by your first name instead.

"Alright, great! This way, (Y/n)!" The four of you headed over to the lunch line. You guys went to the one that was the emptiest with people. After all of you ordered your lunch, you sat at the table that they normally sat at. You sat next to Nejire, and Tamaki and Mirio both sat across from you. It felt different because you literally always sat with Mina and the rest, but you would get used to hanging out with the big 3 anyway.

"Hey, (y/n). Us three are going to train some more after school. Would you like to come with?" It seemed like Mirio was very serious about training, but you agreed anyway.

"Hey guys, maybe we should exchange phone numbers with (y/n) so that it will be easier to reach out to her. (Y/n), is that okay?" Nejire gave you puppy eyes. "Well, yeah, of course!" You opened your bag and ripped a small piece of paper out of your notebook, and wrote your phone number on it. You set it down in front of them and Nejire made a group chat.

Nejire smiled. "Alright, thanks (y/n)!"

You guys talked for some more until lunch was over.

after school, in your dorm —

Mirio texted the group chat.

"Hey guys, I can't come to training today. Sir nighteye called me into his office with Midoriya, Aizawa, and a whole bunch of other people. Tamaki, can you lead them for training today?"

"Oh, sure."

"Alright, thanks."

You let him know you saw the messages, and got prepared for training out in the forest. You met up with Tamaki and Nejire. You guys trained until it was super dark outside, till everyone was asleep. You couldn't lie, you were pretty tired. Nejire turned to you.

"Hey, (y/n)! I noticed your quirk is getting stronger."

"Oh, thanks." You never really thought much about it because you still didn't really see your quirk as something so great. After hanging out with them for a while, you also noticed that Tamaki didn't really speak much. It was more of a here-and-there kind of thing, but you just guessed that Tamaki was getting used to you being around because you just started becoming friends with them, anyway. You walked over to your dorm room, took a shower, got dressed, and went to bed. Before you went to sleep, Mirio texted the group chat. Something was obviously up, because you could always easily tell when someone was acting different or was lying to you.

What was up? Mirio and Nejire, of course.

"Hey guys! Me and Mirio were wondering if you wanted to go to the local café around here. Tomorrow is the weekend, anyways!"

"Ok, sure." You said to the group chat. Tamaki agreed to go as well. Before you could say anything else, Mirio said something.

"Oh, whoops. Me and Nejire can't go because we have to go somewhere. That is Sir nighteye's agency. But (y/n) and Tamaki can go together!"

Tamaki's P.O.V

W-what? They know that I can't go without them because I have extreme anxiety. Well, (y/n) is someone that you can trust, right..? After all, she's been hanging out with us lately. I guess I can't miss out..

Your P.O.V

It was obvious that they were acting different, but you didn't have time to think about that at the moment because you had to go to sleep. You just said 'Ok' and went to bed.

I'm really sorry if the end seems rushed or there's misspellings or bad grammar or whatever, I accidentally didn't save it so I hurried it up- this is the end of this part and if I end up with slow updates I'm really sorry I'll try my best to update often-

Word count: 1053

Tamaki Amajiki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now