19: Hold Me Tight

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The next morning Mew woke up with a body pain but what worries him more is his thoughts

'what if my plans go busted?'

'fuck. fuck. today is that day'

'should i really follow as i plan?'

'its only right'

'he deserves it anyway'

This are Mew's thoughts upon waking up on Japan with Gulf curled up on his chest, what a sight to wake up to—Mew slowly sat up on the bed searching for his phone, he stood up and called Win

Mew: Hey, so i was thinking, today's the day.

Win: Yea.. didn't you think about this?

Mew: Well.. Yeah but im having second thoughts you know..

Win: What?! Why are you even having second thoughts? just do it! we already talked about this, remember?

Mew: Do i really have to? I mean isn't it too early? What if he won't take it good?

Win: And you care? because?

Mew: Goddamn it Win i know im being dumb right now but i don't have the guts

Win: oh please not this again. there are two steps alright,, one you do it. two its done.

Mew: Okay. Alright. I have to go now he might wake up any moment from now.

Win: Okay i have to go see bright
today anyways, bye

Mew was definitely scared shitless but he decided to just play it cool, he can do it.
He deserves it.

Their whole day was spent cuddling on bed lazily with Gulf laughing his ass off at Mews' aching hips and back. "Babe, Can we eat outside? I want a sashimi" Gulf says as soon as the sunsets "Yeah sure, I think im fine now" Mew says in response as he stood up to change his shirt and did Gulf mention how he loves Mews' body proportion?


"What? What?"

"Why are you staring? I thought we gonna eat and not make a part two of last night"

"W-what? I-m not staring" Gulf says stuttering as he threw a pillow on Mew "Aw"

They went out for Gulf's cravings and ate tons of sashimi and other japanese deserts, watching Gulf eat happily like a kid makes Mew happier. 'damn im whipped' Mew says mentally

"Why are you staring?"

"You're cute baby that's all"

"S-shut up!"

Gulf flustered and in his cute pastel color blue sweater paws makes Mews' heart turn upside down, he cannot believe Gulf Kanawut is really existing in a cruel world— "Baby I cant handle you anymore" Mew exclaims


"I can't handle your beauty"

Gulf lost it and choked on his sashimi 'since when did mew become so cheesy?' he cursed himself for blushing so hard because believe him or not, Mew is the only guy who can make him feel things he can't describe.

They wondered around and took pictures together, sending it to their group chat and even posting on their instagrams. They both couldn't ask for more, Indeed with pain comes ease.

"Hey babe, random thoughts, What if we never talked things out? Will you still hate me?" Gulf asks out of the blue as they sat on the park to which mew responded "Baby, No. I never really actually hated you. I hated what you did and no matter how hard i try to forget you and hate you, I just can't- I.. I love you too much it wouldn't be just right to hate you, that thought alone makes me sick. I pretended i didn't care, i wanted to prove to anyone that i dont care anymore but i found myself convincing no one but me to not care but look, i do and i will always do."

Gulf felt he's the luckiest guy ever, Mew was definitely a complete package "I could never ask for more. I am so glad we fixed us. I love you so much, I'd trade everything just to have you back one way or another and i just want to say th-" Gulf says but was cut off when Mews pointer finger shush him on the lips "Shush."

Gulf was confuse as hell because Mew did not just shush him and stood up whilst sighing heavily "Okay listen, Im so so so sorry for everything but i think its time" Mew says as he bites his lower lip

"What? What are you saying?" Gulf felt his blood run cold and low as saw the look on Mews' face

"Im really sorry for causing you pain, Thank you for everything Gulf, You made me who i am today and there's no other person i can think of to spend my whole life with an- " Mew can't even finished his sentence, he was slightly trembling searching his pockets for that tiny box that consists their forever

"Gulf Kanawut, I, Mew Suppasit, would like to have you right by my side, for the rest of my life and the after death, Gulf, Will you marry me?"

Gulfs' tears were streaming down his cheeks, hands over his mouth, looking at Mew who's currently on bended knees, asking his hand for marriage, it all felt too much but there's no way he would let that person who holds him tight go.

"Y-yes! Yes!" Gulf says in response, still crying in joy, Mew hurriedly stood up to put their rings before grabbing the other by the neck for a kiss full of love and gratitude.

"I love you always" Mew says as he takes the other's hand, caressing it as he looks at their rings "I love you always" Gulf says in response

The one who holds you tight when the world runs cold is the one who holds you tight when everything else blooms but you, the one who holds you tight is the one who will go to a battle field with you reassuring you that they will always be by your side, holding you tight.

The one who holds Gulf Kanawut tight is the one who made him open up to the world despite pain and he is Mew Suppasit.

The one who holds Mew Suppasit tight is the one who broke him, healed him, and his home, Gulf Kanawut.

'The End'

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