Chapter 14

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He had a good feeling about today. Luke stretched and for the first time in a while, he felt good and positive that he would get somewhere. All of his problems in the past couple of days had now subdued, and he felt fresh and lively for the first time. 

Today he would get answers.

But wait a second.

The moment Luke hopped out of bed, he was left confused about the state of the room because clearly, it didn't look like a regular sleeping room.

This was... a real children's room with spaceship toys and paperhanging of clouds and... was that a smiling sun? What the kriff? Luke blushed furiously and stomped his way over to Vader in annoyance.

"Fafew!" Luke cried as he entered the room next to his.

As if on command, Vader appeared from another room, "Yes, my son?" he inquired.

Luke pouted, "Why dat woom? I'm owd enough not to be in one!"

"Room," Vader pointed out. "and old."

"I said dat!"

Vader crossed his arms, "It is good to see you are well."

His father was avoiding his question, Luke didn't want any of it, "Why awe you tweating me wike a kid? Didn't you say you wanted me back to nowmal! Was dat a wie?"

Luke felt like he was ranting nonsense, but he suddenly felt overwhelmed with emotions he could no longer control. Was he crying? Oh boy, he really was crying.

Calm down, talk like an adult... talk like a Jedi would, his voice tried reminding him.

Luke sniffed and blinked his tears away. But he really, really had to make Vader understand!

"What are you talking about?" Vader's voice echoed through Luke's displeased ears.

"No, why don't you undewstand!"

"Then make me understand, my son."

"Youwe not liswning to me!"

Father was doing it again. He was faking innocence! Luke tried to choke back the tears, but whatever effort he initially put into it had quickly melted away and soon he found himself openly crying in front of the Dark Lord of the Sith. And the worst thing was... he couldn't stop crying! He tried at first; he really did. But soon het got ensnared in his own strong emotions and he started weeping even louder.

"Why awe you not liswning!" He sobbed but no answer came.

Luke sniffed furiously, he turned around, bent down, crossed his arms and sat glaring at the door leading to his... children's room.

His glare intensified. He didn't like that room.

"Luke... calm down. You are currently involved in one of these common early childhood mood swings. Now stop throwing a tantrum." Vader ordered.

"I'm not having a tantwum!" Luke repulsed with his back still to Vader.

"I doubt that," there was a hint of sarcasm in father's tone of voice. "then turn around and face me like an adult, my son."

"No!" The words left his mouth before he could think.

There was silence until finally, father spoke, "Luke, must I remind you that you run around in the body of a three-year-old? So as long as you act like one, you will be given that befitting of your age."

"I'm not twee!"

Luke's eyes went wide.

Wait a second.

Wait a second!

What the kriff was he doing?

He was acting like a three-year-old.

Luke stood up abruptly and turned to Vader, mixed emotions showing on his face now filled with shock, fear and disgust.

"Why did I do dat... what is happening to me?" With each step back, his father took a step towards him.

"Calm down."

Suddenly Luke felt silenced. Whatever tantrum he had earlier was now all but forgotten and all that was left were traces of shock and confusion. Oh, and a weak sniff.

"Perhaps it is best you talk to Augustine about your problem, my son. He has all the answers you need," Vader advised, but as soon as Luke wanted to reply he felt strong arms wrap around him, "But first... you need to cool down in your room."

Again, Luke felt his emotions rising.

He so desperately wanted to say he wasn't a kid, but something held him back this time. Instead, Luke sagged his shoulders and sighed as he was taken into the room. Staring down at the toys scattered across the room, Luke could only curse.

"Also," Vader started, "I have an attendant come over soon who will assist you with whatever... bladder issues you might have following your regression. Just to be sure."

Again, Luke felt himself flush bright red, "I don't need hewp!"

Then Vader left and he felt alone again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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