Chapter 12

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Luke poked his head around the corner, taking in the sight of Stormtroopers marching up and down the hallway.

If only he could silently tiptoe his way over to some kind of communication center and get in contact with the Rebel Alliance. But how was he going to do that without getting himself caught?

Was it worth it?

No, he had to try at least. Luke's mind rebelled against him, and he clenched his chubby fists.

Gathering his courage, he darted behind a stack of crates, paused and took in a deep breath before rushing down the hallway when no one looked. It was all he could do to avoid detection.

Where was the kriffing communication center?!

Tension bubbled in Luke's stomach once he noticed he was barely making any progress. It had taken so much effort to move in this three-year-old body. He had lost balance once again which clearly indicated he was not used to this unnatural condition.

Luke scrunched his eyes and kept running, puffing tiredly and without any sense of direction.

"Was that a... child running down the hallway?" Luke cursed when he heard echoes from behind and decided to run faster.

"What in the blazes... why is there a baby here?"

"No idea, what should we do?"

Luke flushed red from embarrassment but decided to ignore them as he could not stray from his objective. He needed to contact Leia, Han... or anyone else of the Rebel Alliance.

"Sir, do we just let him... run off? He sure is in a hurry."

"No, we do not. Catch that boy!"

Luke couldn't help but let out a little shriek as he peered behind him and noticed four Stormtroopers run after him with their long legs and quick movement.

Having completely forgotten his mission, Luke was now scurrying down the hall. Yelping whenever he bumped into Stormtroopers, who then decided to join in their hunt for Luke.

"We should stun him!" A voice offered.

"What? You don't stun a child, he might die!" Someone else repulsed.

Luke gulped as he dashed around the corner and waited for the first sliding door to open.

When finally, it did, Luke was sure he was caught because there was a dash of white in the corner of his vision.

No, no, no! This couldn't be it!

He ran inside and bumped against something.

"What is the meaning of this?" A low and familiar dark voice rumbled.

"Ow," Luke mumbled as he caressed his nose.

Opening his bright-blue eyes, Luke took in the sight of thick armour that had left his face burning. When his eyes trailed all the way up, the mask of his father warily stared him down.

"Uh, hello." Luke croaked silently.

"My Lord, there...there is a child here! That child!" One of the many Stormtroopers was jabbing its finger towards Luke, "We figured it was best to catch him."

"With a stun-gun?" Darth Vader voiced his thoughts as he lifted his chin, "It is as you say, he is but a child."

"I told him it was a terrible idea, My Lord." Another stormtrooper stepped in.

"It was pre-caution...we would never harm a child."

"See to it that you don't," Vader grumbled to everyone, and soon Luke felt himself picked off the floor, "Now move away. I will deal with the boy myself."

While securely in the arms of his father, of who he reminded himself was also Dark Lord of the freaking Sith, he couldn't help but slowly start blinking his eyes.

All the rush and tension just now...

Luke let out a soft yawn while shifting his body a little to feel more comfortable; his head now gently pressed against the chest of his father. He was getting tired but... there was no time to sleep.

Find a way to contact the rebels, a voice, his voice in the back of his mind spoke up, but it was no use.

Luke blinked even slower, and he felt his head loll to one side as he had no grip on what was going on. With all strength gone, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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