Ch. 6:

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WOAAAAAAH it's been too long *sobs*
I guess I got a little sidetracked with other events in my life (aishh school) that I may have forgotten all about wattpad and its functionalities. But fear no more, I have come back and will continue to try my best in maintaining this story. This doesn't mean that I will fully devote my time to updating, but give me some time! But without further ado, this is the long awaited Chapter 6 of TDKAU.
P.S it is a bit short...sorry

During the period of when I was home schooled, I was not only privileged to have my auntie's cooking as our "lunches", I was definitely privileged to be the only student in the "school". That may sound a little lonesome and sad, however now I realise how much I missed it. It's the second week of school, and I have finally met my beloved arch-nemesis of this place: rumours. Rumours fly like they do in movies, with the whole school knowing what had happened to that girl in the bathroom a day after it happened. Whether or not these rumours were actually true, they still had the indecency to declare it amongst the whole institution and continue the trend. That's what I hated about rumours; people spread them while completely disregarding the fact that it couldn't even be true. Humans were just that gullible.

I may have secretly eavesdropped in a very meaningful discussion this morning about some global epidemic which arose yesterday:
Oh my gosh, did you hear about that chick in the bathroom? Apparently she fell in the toilet after recovering from her hangover!
Oh my gosh, yes! My sources said that she walked out of the school looking like Mad Hatter!
Oh my gosh, how embarrassing! She's soooooo wrecked.

Just kidding, they were discussing some stupid little "incident" that occurred to some other person that had nothing to do with them. Okay but seriously, who has their "sources", like do people have their own secret agents or something? I prayed to myself that my mum didn't enrol me in the Gallagher Academy or whatever.

"Could you please reschedule your mini tribal ceremony some other time please? People still have to go to school continue with life, you know." I sassed the little grade 9 kiddies before I used my own hands to shoo them away.

I sighed and continued to grab my belongings from my locker. As I made my way down to the classroom, my mind floated back to the text message I received three days ago.

From Dan the Man:

Hey, I know we've only known each other for a week.. but I can definitely tell you that I have developed some pretty strong feelings for you. So um.. Do you want to .. go out with me?

I felt super bad for not replying him right after. He was probably clawing his eyes out of anxiousness. To be honest, I was happy when I read the message and I could feel myself about to type "sure", however, I thought twice about my actions. I knew I couldn't say yes because of multiple reasons. Firstly, I had to consider what my mum strongly told me. In addition, surely Daniel was being a little to soon in confessing his feelings. It was only the second week of school and we knew nothing about each other - I think this was what mum warned me about. In the end, after long self-interrogation, I finally came to the decision to tell him, in person.

I weaved my way through the crowded hallways and entered the classroom. I had Biology first, and since Daniel wasn't in the same class as I was, I took this chance to sneak my phone in and message him.

To Dan the Man:

Hey, could we meet at the library at lunch?

Although knowing whether he saw my message was a concern, my education was far more of a concern. I quickly clicked send and turned my phone off. As Mr Kopp began outlining the steps of cellular respiration, I pushed any thoughts about Daniel away from my mind and concentrated on my class.

After an excruciating morning of assessment-giving, it was finally lunch time! I sprinted to my locker and grabbed my the lunch that my mum happily prepared for me. When I approached the cafeteria, I suddenly remembered the request that I sent Daniel. I fished out my phone from my pocket and pressed the power button, only to be greeted by a message from Daniel stating ":/ sure!" Oh no, he was probably dreading for the worst, considering I took forever to respond, I thought. I chucked to myself, knowing that he shouldn't be that scared, and hurriedly went to the library.

At the front of the library, I noticed some members of the book club who were busily chatting away about which book to review first, but my eyes wandered over to the other side where a lonely schoolboy was sitting there eating his sandwich. I resisted to roll my eyes at how lonely he looked. As I approached him he quickly noticed my presence and waved at me.

"Hey! Over here!" Daniel called out.

"I know! You're always in my way!" I joked.

"Ha ha, you are hilarious," he muttered, "So you said to meet you here? What's up?" He patted his hand on the ground next to him, indicating for me to sit down.

"I wanted to talk about that text message you sent me last week...." I began.

"Oh don't worry.... Uh, it was a dare? Yeah it was a dare! You can...ignore it?" Daniel stuttered whilst averting his gaze to his half-eaten sandwich.

I sighed in relief, "Oh that's good then. I was going to say that perhaps it was too early to ask to go out. We should spend more time in getting to know each other more."

I swear I saw the disappointment in his eyes, however that was quickly replaced with genuine understanding.

"Yeah I know. Sheesh what were my friends thinking?" He chuckled. I gave him a meek smile and flashed him a thumbs up.

"Well, now that we're here, why don't we start to get to know each other? What's your full name?" I struck him with one question, not realising that this entire lunch time would be spent 20-questioning each other.

The next day was a pain. As I witnessed earlier, I had a strong dislike towards those who made up rumours and spread them. Somehow, in the span of less than 24 hours, someone had seen me and Daniel at the library yesterday and made up the rumour of "us already going out in the second week of school". I don't even know how to respond to that. I walked in the doorway this morning, completely oblivious to the proud stares, the glares and the envious looks that were directed towards to me.

"OMG! Casey, you go girl." Alicia ran up to me and slapped my back.

"Hey! What was that for?" I exclaimed. Damn, Alicia was too strong for a pretty girl, I must admit.

"You and Daniel hey? Already getting it on?" She hinted with her seedy, raised eyebrows.

"What? No! Where did you hear that from?"

"From like everyone? It's all over the school now. There is no escape now."

I could've punched Alicia at that moment, but I pushed all my violent thoughts elsewhere in order to remain sane.
From that moment on, I knew my school life was going to be hell.
I trudged towards my locker and saw Daniel and his gang walking the opposite direction. His movements oozed with confidence and I noticed him nodding to the lost puppies (aka his fangirls) following him. That smooth little bastard.... He will be the death of me I thought to myself. Our eyes met and he gave me two thumbs up, before disappearing into another corridor. My heart could have fluttered, but I felt nothing. Must be because I'm actually heartless.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2014 ⏰

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