Chapter 4 - TDKAU

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OK SORRY PEOPLE! I haven't updated in a whileee... the thing is I was actually overseas on my holiday and we didn't have a computer.. and there was limited wifi.. so i kinda had to rely on my phone and the public wifi in every metro station... so SORRY!! I will try to update ASAP ! Thanks so much for reading, and please remember to Vote, Comment and Fan!! :)

 "Ok class. Remember to read through chapter 10 of your textbook!" Mr Roman finally stopped. I sniggered at his name. I found it hilarious, considering we were studying Roman History. As I closed my books, the bell signaled the official ending of this lesson. I sighed in relief. I pushed my way through the tiny door space that everyone seemed to rush into.

I finally made it through that hell hole only resting my eyes on a boy who was helplessly picking up his books that have fallen onto the ground. I ran to him and picked up his books with him. From what it looked like I could tell that someone must've caused him to drop his books like that. I am so going to kill that person! He looked up and I noticed the tears  filling his eyes. He gave me a small smile that I knew was forced. "Thank you for helping me, but you should probably go. No one would like me talking to a pretty girl like you." I couldn't help but smile at his compliment.

"Hey, don't thank me. It looked like you needed another hand. Now, I hope you don't mind me asking, but who did this to you?" I asked him. He had a confused look on his face. "You know, who knocked you on purpose and made you drop your books?" I asked again.

I noticed a slight flash of fear in his eyes but then it  disappeared. "Someone you wouldn't want to mess with. Well, that was the message I got when I first met him." I nodded in understanding. "I'm Will. I guess you're new this year?" His eyes gleamed. I smiled and nodded again.

"Nice to meet you Will. I'm Casey. Now, where are you heading off to now?" It turned out that we were going to the same classroom next, so we walked together. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Will look at me and smile to himself. I felt satisfied with myself, knowing that I was probably his first friend. 

However, that moment of happiness was ruined just as we entered the classroom. I noticed Will stiffen as one boy looked in our direction. "Look! The bookworm finally stuck his head out of his book!" He sneered so loudly that everyone's attention was on me and Will.

I narrowed my eyes at him. Wow, he thought he was so smart hey? Well, I'm gonna change that! After a few more 'smartass' comments, I finally spoke up.

"Would you please just shut up? You're just wasting all your breath with your filthy comments." I snarled. The whole class 'ooh-ed' as I stared at him. At first he seemed taken aback, however his confident smirk found its way back onto his disgusting face.

"Wow, nerd face. How'd you find your bodyguard? Did you do her homework, at homework club?" Everyone sniggered at his comment, except for one person. It was Daniel. As our eyes met, I noticed that his brown puppy eyes were something else. Instead, his chocolate brown puppy eyes were replaced with beady 'wolf' eyes. They were no longer calming and loving. I could see the angry brown specks in his eyes.. however I wasn't quite sure whether he was angry at me for starting a row with a dude or whether he was angry at the dude for arguing with me. Either way, he looked like he could kill anyone on the spot. I gave Daniel a sad smile, and his eyes immediately softened. I swear if I continued to stare at him, I would've definitely fallen into the deep depths of the brown galaxy of his eyes. I mentally punched myself. (since when did I become violent?! Yep, since today!) Why was I daydreaming about this guy, when this dickhead was standing right in front of me?

I took a deep breath and looked at him straight in the eyes."Oh hi, nice to meet you. I'm Casey in case you were wondering. No, I'm not a bodyguard and no, I actually do my homework, myself. BUT, I can tell you one thing. I ain't letting you put down my friend over here. Oh sorry! I would like to personally inform you that 'nerd face' actually HAS friends. He's not exactly a loner!" I snarled.

He scoffed. Ok, seriously, that wasn't the answer I was looking for. Geez, this big-headed douche had an ego the size of China. "Look princess, if you stop talking now, I won't hurt you. However, if you do not plan on doing that, then prepare for the worst. So please, make the right choice and leave." He smirked.

Now it was my turn to scoff. "Nah mate, I'm really not going to shut up." He looked shocked, as if I was too much of a girly girl to keep trying.

"As a matter of fact, I actually want to have a normal class right now, so I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Is there a reason as to why you are insulting Will? Is it because he's stealing your A's from you? Or is it because he's just generally a better person than-" I was interrupted by Will who whispered to me, "You really don't have to do this. He's going to bash you just like he did to me."

But my mouth had a mind of its own and it knew what it was doing was right. I ignored Will and continued my rant. "Before you know it, Will could possibly be the CEO of Microsoft and you could either be the local garbage man who cleans all the rubbish AT Microsoft, or you could be an old man whore who gets drunk and hangs out with sleazy old women at some dodgy alleyway. Who has the better life? At least Will would afford buying deoderant if he smelt like garbage. So please, think before you start talking, otherwise you could be in big, big danger." I finished. Idiot face just stood there with his mouth hanging. He quickly shut it and glared at me. "This isn't over yet." He deadpanned. Wow, deja vu much?

I turned around and faced a room full of shocked faces. Despite their shock, I knew that they were trying very hard to not laugh at how owned their 'classmate' just got. I looked at Daniel, whose mouth was twitching, and I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. I barely even noticed the teacher who was standing next to his desk looking very serious, yet his eyes showed a glint of amusement.

"Casey, I know this is your first day here so I'm going to let this slide. But, if you keep up with this behavior then there will be consequences. However, you, Shawn, have caused enough trouble for these last few years. Please stay behind after class." Mr Hanley instructed.

A few 'oohs' and 'ahhs' filled the room, while Shawn grunted in response. I smiled sweetly at Mr Hanley and Shawn. I took a seat next to this little red-headed girl. As I sat down, little pieces of scrunched-up paper were thrown at my seat. I took each of them up and read them silently.

"Wow girl, you've got some iron guts! Call me maybe? ;)" "OMG you are totally amazing bebz! No one has ever confronted Shawn before! xoxo"

I grinned like a madman when I read the next one.

"Okay, seriously, I don't think I'll ever wanna get in an argument with you. You would've whipped my ass! And you're a freaking GIRL! (no sexism intended. I just wouldn't want to be defeated by such an attractive young lady like you ;)) Here's my number, so text me maybe?"

I looked over my shoulder to see him smiling flirtaciously at me. I smiled back, as flirtingly as possible, before turning back to my notebook. I laughed to myself, thinking about how I was going to tell mum about my first day at school. 

THERE WE GO! Again I'm so sorry for updating so late! 

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