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Lyra was on her way to the library since she had a free period on Thursday. She liked to spend her free time alone studying or reading books. The library is one of her favorite spots at Hogwarts and she's probably there, most of the time.

Once the Hufflepuff arrived to her destiny, she discovered the place was practically empty because almost everyone was in class, and those who weren't didn't waste their spare time on the library, that's why she loved it so much. Despite loving to be around people, she still had the need of peaceful and alone times to put her mind in order.

Lyra walked towards the background and find someone else that usually shared that spot with her, Remus Lupin. They met each other in their first year, right on the Hogwarts Express, but after they got sorted into different houses they kind of parted ways. Lyra gave him a little smile to which the boy replied. They were seated one table away from each other, and Lyra couldn't help but notice the scars on the boy's face that seemed pretty fresh. She would always noticed them, when they were new, when they were healing and so it goes, but despite noticing so much, she never had the guts to ask what's the story behind them. But she would always managed to find ways to speak to him, and that's what she did once she saw the book he was reading.

"Hey, I've read that one!"

Lupin was so focused on the book, he didn't understood what the girl said and gave her a confused look.

"Introduction to Alchemy, I've read that book!" she explained to him.

"Really? I'm trying to understand it but this Alchemy stuff can be so confusing..." he said kinda shyly.

"OH yeah, I get it. It's difficult, but I like the challenge so..." she made a fake snob face that made him laugh "But seriously, I had to read like three books to start understanding better, but now I'm more advanced, I'm reading The Alchemist's Secret. And I started very young in this matter so it makes a difference."

He was really impressed, he wasn't going to admit it again, but Remus was really having a hard time trying to understand the art of Alchemy.

"Wow that's really impressive Lyra, I could use some of your knowledge here..."

"Well, don't sweat it, I'm open to help you with wherever you need!" she gave him a large smile and he blushed it, Lyra wasn't admitting it, but she thought he looked very, very cute like that.        They were so stuck into each other's gaze that none of them realized when the three Gryffindors best friends of Remus entered the room.

"Hey Moony, and... Fawley!" James said in a surprised tone and received a nudge from Sirius.

"So what are you guys doing, beautiful people?" this was when Sirius spoke up.

"Nothing big, we were just talking about Alchemy." Lupin said blushing again.

"You're such a nerd, Remus" Pettigrew said and received narrow glances from Lyra.

"Hey there Peter, don't be harsh on our friend here, I'm sure it's really important these stuff he's talking about" James said giving him a hard look.

Lyra who wasn't understanding nothing that was going on, turned to Remus and said:

"Anyway Remus, if you need any help on Alchemy we can meet up someday and I'll show you my notes on it!"

"Yeah Lyra, that would be very nice, thank you!" Remus said with a wide grin while James and Sirius gave both of them mischivieous looks.

"Ly, there you are! Let's go, Lee is waiting for us in the Great Hall" Ted Tonks, a Hufflepuff and Lyra's best friend entered the room and yelled at her "Oh, hey guys!" he said noticing the company of the four Gryffindors, that only waved at him.

"Yeah, sure! Bye guys, see you later Lupin!" she gave him a warm smile and followed her best friend out of the library.

Remus immediately turn his focus to his book already expecting the comments that his best friends would make.

"So Remus, Remmy... 'see you later' huh?" Sirius said wearing his famous smirk.

"Oh shut up, Black."

"Look at you! All blushing and shy just because the beautiful Lyra Fawley wants to study with him" James said laughing. It was no secret that Lyra was beautiful, her wide eyes, big smile and messy hair made her beauty unique. She was considered one of the most beautiful girls at Hogwarts, and Remus knew that.

"She was just being nice, like a good Hufflepuff she is, ok? Now shush it, I'm trying to read here."

"Yes Remus, she is very nice but don't blame Hufflepuff on that, her friend Leilani is never nice to me." Sirius said in a grumpy mood and got an answer back from Remus this time.

"Well, of course! You're an exception Sirius, you bother her so hard I feel pity for her."

"Well that is true, but I'm no worse than James with Lily!"


James screamed and received angry looks from the library secretary and all the other three friends couldn't help but laughing out loud.

"But guys, seriously, I really think we could use a little help from Lyra." Remus said winning all the attention to himself and Peter questioned:

"What do you mean, Moony?"

"I mean, with the map. She's super smart and seems to know a lot about Alchemy, at least more than any of us does. I'm trying but this book is really hard and she's read thousands like these."

"Well, can't say that wouldn't be helpful. But we're just gonna spill it all out to her? Just like that?" James asked and got an answer from Sirius this time.

"Of course not! He'll just study with her, as if he wants nothing and find out the spells we need! It's perfect!"

"But wouldn't it be like I'm using her?" Lupin asked concerned.

"Of course not, she already has offered to help you, mate! And plus, this means you spending more time with her..." a smirk showed up on Sirius face, but Remus wasn't annoyed this time, he actually appreciated the idea of spending his afternoons with Lyra Fawley.

Safe Harbor | R. J. LUPIN Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin