Chapter 1 - The New life and Finding Love✔️

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Nico's POV


When I finally came around, I found a beautiful girl feeding me some sort of mixture and that I was lying on a silken-soft, comfortable bed lined with black and earthly coloured sheets.I tried to sit up but a stab of pain coursed through my body and the girls firm hands pushed me back down on the bed upon seeing that I was in pain and continued feeding me the medication. It was with each spoon-full that I realised I was slowly gaining the strength I had lost back.

I was so lost in thought reflecting on the events that have lead up to this moment; I didn't notice that I finished the mixture which tasted fruity with little hints of honey and chocolate-chip cookies.I drew my thoughts away from those wretched past events, and that was when my eyes landed on her. With her thick, long, unruly and wavy chocolate brown hair and gorgeous earthy multi-coloured eyes with every type of colour you can ever imagine swirling around in those orbs.Looking to be around my age, she was wearing a dress that draped over one shoulder that was coloured different shades of purple and black.

Then my eyes traveled up to her face,she had soft rosy lips that looked very kissable and her skin was almost as pale as mine but with a slight tan colour. I also noticed that she was slim and had an overall athletic figure.Then we locked eyes and she said with amusement lacing her voice "So the Ghost King has finally woken up."

I continued to stare at her speechless as her voice was angelic and soft but her words had a hint of steel in them.I then looked deep into her eyes and saw something hidden inside them,something dark and sinister making me blushed crimson and look away.When I looked at her face again, her cheeks were also coloured a shade of crimson.I continued to stare, dumbfounded at her natural beauty when she suddenly snapped her fingers in front of my face and I came out of my semi-trance.

I continued to stare at her,my cheeks once again turning crimson as she caught me. In a weak and coarse voice I said "Sorry about that my name is Nico Di Angelo and I'm a former son of Hades". I suddenly stopped and mentally scolded myself for mentioning that I was a former son of Hades to a stranger that I barley knew. She continued looking at me with those gorgeous but curious eyes, probing information out of my head by looking deep within my chocolate brown eyes. Then she said in a serious tone but you could also detect the barely hidden amusement, "I trust you because I can see that you are hurting on the inside, anger clouds your vision and betrayal is still fresh within your mind. But more importantly I can feel immense power radiating off you."

I stared at her with my mouth hanging open and then in a demanding tone I said "HOW DID YOU KNOW MY NAME? WHO ARE YOU? WHAT IS YOUR NAME? WHAT HAPPENED WHILE I WAS OUT ? WHAT KIND OF POWER ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?"

She just stared at me for a second before the most beautiful sound I ever heard escaped her mouth- the sound of her laughing hysterically and uncontrollably. The sound was musical and like that of a clear summer breeze and it was very contagious for soon I also found myself laughing along side her. Soon we both managed to compose ourselves and then she said while breathing heavily "You will soon learn all the answers to your questions, in due time my young brave warrior."

That was when I couldn't resist it anymore, my body slowly began to move closer towards her until our bodies were firmly pressed together and our noses were almost touching ( I could feel her warm breath mingling with my own).She looked like she was frozen in place - never once moving a single muscle. Ever so slowly I began to move even more closer towards her, giving her every right to move away if she wanted to. Then I felt her lips on mine, at first she didn't respond but then slowly I felt her lips move and correspond to my needs and desires.I then found myself pulling her onto the bed (which she was sitting on the edge of previously), before closing my eyes and succumbing to the darkness with my beautiful and drop dead gorgeous
healer lying on my chest.

Kristen's POV (Before meeting Nico)

I was walking through the realm of my Aunt Nyx when I noticed an handsome boy around my age slumped across the floor.He was wearing pure black clothing (which I must say suited him perfectly) and a pure black sword hung at his side (which was covered in dried blood - as I had discovered later). I quickly ran to his side and started to check if there were any major injuries that would need treatment immediately. When my inspection was complete, I quietly let out a sigh of relief as there was no major injuries that needed immediate healing, only some minor burns and bruises.

I gently picked him up and carried him to my room where I gently put him on my bed. I then began to combine a mixture of rare herbs and special organic ingredients in a clay bowl. After the mixture was made, I then proceeded to feed it to him - stopping only to treat his other injuries. I then continued to feed him the mixture.After a while he began to stir and he turned to look at me but I continued to feed him the mixture, kind of ignoring.At some point he tried to get up but I pushed him back down again with firm hands.

I continued feeding him and saw that with each spoon full of the mixture he seemed to be regaining some of his strength. As I was doing this he looked like he was checking me out.Once he finished I put the spoon and bowl down and subconsciously started to inspect him.He was a handsome young man and looked to be around my age.He also had skin that was almost as pale as mines but with a slight olive complexion to it.

When I moved to his facial area, he was looking at me with the most gorgeous chocolate brown eyes I have ever seen.He had a messy mop of black hair that was cropped in a short hair style.Then I moved to his lips which looked soft,delicate and utterly amazing. I quickly looked at his clothing to avoid pressing my lips to his.He was wearing a black aviators jacket, a black shirt and black jeans combined with pure black all star high top converse sneakers.

When I looked at his chest and upper body I noticed that he had abs and muscles which was surprising because he had such a thin frame.Then we locked eyes and I said "So the Ghost King has finally woken up." He just stared at me speechless, then I realized that my voice was gentle and soft but my words had a hint of steel in them. He looked into my eyes again and I swear that I felt something pass between us, I quickly looked down but when I looked up again I saw him blush a crimson colour.

Then I felt my own cheeks heat up and then it was my turn to be blushing a crimson.He continued to stare dumbfounded at my natural beauty and that's when I noticed that he was slowly slipping away into an inescapable trance- that I had a bare minimum knowledge about.I quickly snapped my fingers in front of his eyes and he slowly came out of the trance.

He looked at me then said in a voice that was weak and coarse "Sorry about that my name is Nico Di Angelo and I'm a former son of Hades." I just stared at him while he seemed to be having a mental argument with himself and that is when I looked him deep within the eyes again and said with barely hidden amusement and curiosity "I thrust you because I can see that the hurting and betrayal are still fresh in your eyes and I can feel immense power radiating off you."

He just looked at me with those heavenly brown eyes and with an open mouth as though he was shocked. Then he proceeded to rapidly fire questions in my direction which were something along the lines of "HOW DID YOU KNOW MY NAME? WHO ARE YOU? WHAT IS YOUR NAME? WHAT HAPPENED WHILE I WAS OUT ? WHAT KIND OF POWER ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" I just looked at him for a couple of second before I couldn't hold back the laugh that was trying to escape.It was only after 20 minutes of uncontrollable laughter that I realized - I had a reputation to keep and slowly but surely I managed to compose myself before saying while breathing heavily "You will soon learn all the answers to your questions, in due time my young brave warrior."

After saying that I saw that he had started to move ever so slightly toward me until our bodies were pressed together with our noses only inches apart.He then continued to slowly move even more closer giving me every right to move but my muscles wouldn't move or even budge until I felt his delicate, soft lips on mine.At first I didn't respond but then I gave into the kiss and started to correspond to his demands matching my pace to his until I felt myself being pulled onto the bed and then blacking out on top of his lean muscular chest.


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Nico di Angelo -The son of Tartarus (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now