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Florida Man and Australia Man get loaded into the game along with Karen, Ellis Dee, IforgotMyPants, Bab Ross, Tim Horton and Jimmy Mumps. Florida Man and Australia Man reunite with a bro hug, catching the attention of Gray.

"What the f*bruh*? Florida Man doesn't usually act that way." He looked at the mood of him and became the human equivalent of the lenny face. They liked each other. He laughed and said " More pining, damnit!"

Florida Man was happier than last time. His mood turned to mild embarrassment, thinking about what happened last time. How could I be so stupid?, he thought. Gray seemed to be done setting up, so he went inside and saw the rats, wondering how they were going to die this time.

Australia Man walked inside with a smile on his face. His best friend was way happier than before. This made him feel better because he thinks Florida Man's smile is adorable. Unfortunately, Australia Man was in the closet as bi, so he couldn't make a move.

He sees the rats as well and groans. Responsibility was not what he wanted at that moment. He knows they don't need feeding right now and headed toward his best friend that he secretly had a crush on. He flushed with embarrassment. This is when he decided he was coming out of the closet.

Little did he know that Florida Man was also about to come out of the closet. He went to go see Florida Man. He taps Florida Man's shoulder to get his attention. Florida Man recognized the person tapping his shoulder and asks "Did you need something, dude?"

"Do you mind if we talk in private? I have something to tell you." Australia Man says in reply.

Florida Man nods and takes them into the bedroom. "So, what did you want to tell me?"

Australia Man decides that it is now or never and blurted out "I'm Bisexual, please don't hate me!"

"I guess it would be the best time to say this." Florida Man says.

"Say what?" Australia Man asks in reply.

"I'm bi too. I was actually 'bout to come out to you." Florida Man gives a reassuring smile.

They pull one another into an embrace, smiling in relief. The ten minutes that passed had felt like hours to them as they sat down on the couch. The familiar pang of pining struck Florida Man harshly, but the pain of touch starvation faded away slowly. He felt awful, but better than the events of last game.

"Are you up for watching TV with me? I'm to tired to do anything else." Florida Man said, yawning with exhaustion. Australia Man nods and turns on the TV. He flips it to a comedy movie and got comfortable.

Around five hours go by, the two occasionally working out or swimming when he felt up to it. Australia Man falls asleep on the couch. Florida Man chuckles and gets a blanket. He places it over his friend and places a pillow under his head. He smiles as his friend looks more peaceful than he had in a while. He gets up knowing no one has fed the rats in quite a while.

He go's to the rats and feeds and cleans their cages. He then gets bit by one of the rats, cursing in pain as he held his hand. He goes back to Australia Man and plops on the floor. He falls asleep on the cold hard floor, being to tired to get to a bed.

The next morning Australia Man wakes up to Florida Man on the floor. He winches in sympathy and lays his blanket over Florida Man and puts a pillow under his head. He walks around to try and find the grill and succeeds. He then puts burgers on the grill.

Suddenly he feel a strong burning pain and realizes he is on fire. He screamed in panic and pain. He heard Gray laughing and groaned. He sees people are crowding him. Suddenly Florida Man runs out with a fire extinguisher, putting out the flames on and around his body.

The pain stops and everything was alright. He feels Florida Man hug him, glad that he is okay. Ellis Dee is asking him something, but he can't hear it. He takes a deep breath, feeling better than before.

"I'm okay now, mates" Australia Man says as everyone breaths a sigh of relief. Soon everything was back to normal. Australia Man looks inside the fridge and pulls out a hot dog from yesterday. He eats the hotdog, feeling better after eating.

Florida Man sat on the couch watching TV with Ellis Dee, just talking about life.

"Ellis, I think I have a problem." Florida Man says, casually sipping a Bud Light.

"What sort of problem?" Ellis Dee asks, thinking she will regret it.

"I have a crush on Australia Man... I d-don't think he likes me back. I'm too scared to ask him out." He says.

"I think he likes you back, to be completely honest." Ellis replies, sipping on a Starbucks coffee.

He nods and feels the slightest bit of courage flood his system. He goes to find Australia Man. He was going to ask him out, damnit! He finds Australia Man and says
"I-I uh... nevermind!" Florida Man ran off, anxiety pumping through his veins. He ran into the bathroom, fearful of rejection. He was normally brave, but feared rejection. He feels tears running down his face. God, he was such a fuck up!

Australia Man trailed behind his friend in concern. But, before he could reach his friend, Ellis placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Give him space and check on him in an hour." Ellis said, knowing why he ran. Australia Man nodded before sitting on the couch. He set an alarm for an hour later and goes to watch TV, not being able to focus on it due to concern for his anxiety ridden friend.

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