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Warmth was all Florida Man felt when he woke up. He realized Australia Man was holding him still. His face burned again. He ignored it, realizing it was three in the morning. Last night's events played in his mind as his breath picked up slightly.

He felt the massive hangover set in as he winced due to pain. He was awfully tired and sad still. It had only been three hours since he fell asleep. His stomach was unsettled, causing him to curl in on himself. At this point he had regretted everything that happened. He swallows the sick feeling down as he tried to get comfortable again.

This accidentally wakes Australia Man up. Australia Man sits up, realizing that Florida Man was in his arms on the couch.

"Are you feeling better, mate?" Australia Man asks in concern for his friend.

Florida Man nods, not entirely trusting his stomach. He had really overdone it last night. Australia Man hums in content as he plays with Florida Man's hair again. He feels the heat coming off Florida Man's face, and immediately furrowed his eyebrows in concern.

Before he could check Florida Man's temperature the music played again, as grim took IforgotMyPants's body. She probably pissed herself and died of embarrassment, which is a common occurrence in this game. That's a shitty way to go, Australia Man thought.

Florida Man whispers "I think I'm still slightly drunk, and the hangover is setting in." Australia Man winces in empathy, still playing with Florida Man's hair. He notices Florida Man's breathing calms again as he fell asleep once more.

Australia Man notices they are the last two left. He wants Florida Man to win, so he heads out to the pool and swims for a bit. He bets that Gray is watching with surprise as no one died for a while. He gets into the pool.

Suddenly he heard the music, and panicked. He flailed trying to get out of the pool, going under with exhaustion. He sees Grim on the side of the pool as his vision went black.

Florida Man ran outside, growing pale at the sight of his friends body. He immediately breaks down, knowing he was the last one .

Meanwhile, on the other side of the screen, Gray was there, business as usual. "More death, damnit!" He says, and everything resets.

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