Live In The Moment

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"Let's get you home. I'm sorry for ruining your night" Justin walks out as Madison was gonna speak. "Madison, Kehlani i'm really sorry guys" We shrug it off. "Thanks Jay, tell everyone I left" We both walked towards my car.

"You didn't ruin my night Lani" She says as I unlock the car. "You didn't know he was going to be there" We completely ignore what happened less than 10 minutes ago.

"When do you go back home?" She asked. "In 3 weeks" I said sadly. "Kinda wish you could stay, you're all I got other than Maggie and her boyfriend" She laughs. "What about your parents?"

"Um well, my moms never really in town and as for my dad...he left when I was little" She said truthfully. I grab her hand causing her to give a squeeze. "I'm sorry to hear that" She shrugged and turned on the radio.

2010 hits were playing. She sang along softly, her voice was gorgeous. "You can sing too? What can't you do?" I drove her home. The entire way she sang softly to the songs.

"Can you come in?" Her puppy dog eyes would never let me say no. "Sure" I turned off the car and walked towards the third floor with her. She opened the door, Maggie and Brandon were asleep on the couch.

"Shh if you wake them up they'll have the energy of a kid in a sugar rush" I laugh quietly. "Got it" We walk towards her room together and sit down on her bed. I lay down and rest against her headboard.

I notice she hung up a flatscreen on her wall. "New flatscreen?" I asked.


"Yeah, I need something other than my phone to keep me entertained" I nod. "Kehlani" She said right after.

"Yesss" I extend the 'S'. "Thanks for tonight, even though we barely got through one drink. You didn't have to leave your friends" I walk over to her and pull her onto the bed. Both of our faces were facing each other.

"I can see them tomorrow or something" I close my eyes. Her hand brushes along my face. "You're definitely the better Parrish" She said playfully. "It's between me or Valentina, but not Jack" She makes a disgusted face.

"Thank you for being here"

"Thank you" I say. She was probably the best thing that has happened to me in a while. Not that we're a thing or anything because to be quite honest I don't know if she's gay but she made me happy at least while it lasts.

I like to live in the moment.



"I uh-" Maggie walks in without knocking and backs up a little. "Wow, am I interrupting something?" I facepalm my forehead jokingly. "Nah what's up?" I asked.

"Me and Brandon are ordering Chines take-out. Do you guys want any?" Madison's eyes lit up. "CHINESE TAKE OUT?" She shouted.

"Yes ma'am that's what I said" Maddison nodded all excited like a little kid. I couldn't help but admire how beautiful she was when she smiled from ear to ear. She tied her hair up into a bun and let two pieces loose after Maggie left the room.

"What do you think?" She strikes a pose. "Gorgeous as ever Ms.Beer" Her cheeks heat up. "What did you want to tell me?"

"Nothing" I smiled. "You sure?" No I wasn't, but I sure as hell wasn't ready to put all my emotions out on a table.

For once in my life I enjoy writing a book wow

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