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„Last week!", Sikowitz screams climbing through the window.

„Climbing through a window? Normal behaviour or not? Cat!"

„You haven't done it since the first day of this year, so no, not so normal."

Sikowitz watches his students. Jade plays with Becks hand. Cat is starring at the wall while giggling. Robbie watches Cat. Tori plays with her hair and Andre whistles a song. Noone is paying attention to their teacher.

„GUYS!", Sikowitz yells. Finally all eyes are on him.

„I've said: It's the last week before summer break! Why aren't y'all excited?!"

„Because it's sad", Tori says.

„Why is it sad?"

„Because Andre is leaving", Cat explains sadly.

„Andre is leaving where?"

„He's going to Hollywood Arts."

„Andre? That's amazing. Wasn't there a need to tell your old teacher about it?"

„I am just going to the audition. I don't even know if I will get it."

„You will!", everyone says at the same time because they know how talented he is.

„Okay. You know, I am not that kind of teacher who gets sentimental but I wanna do something special on the last day. So I have two assignments for you:

1st: Write a letter about what you have learned this year and about what's important to you. Write all your little hopes, dreams and fears down! Due is Wednesday!

2nd: Do something creative, something you're good in! Prepare a song or a scene or do a short movie! Due is Friday!

All clear?"

„Homework in the last week? That sucks!", Jade complains.

„Don't be a moody Maddie! Deal with it! So all clear?"

„Yes", everyone mumbles.

„Beautiful! Now, improvisation! You're all trapped in this room and the ceiling is coming down on you. Let's go!"
The students start the scene.

It's Wednesday after class and Sikowitz has collected all the letters. He sits at his desk and starts reading the first one. It's Jade's:


life still sucks, I am not going to lie. You've said I am allowed to be honest all the time and I really appreciate that but I HATE these kind of assignments. I know we have done a ton of those over the year but I still hate them. They make me think and thinking leads me to bad conclusions... Nevertheless I try to not see everything as dark as before. I love acting and singing that's something I really enjoyed over the past months. Also Beck's company, obviously. Although I know I need to keep working on my social skills and anger control and maybe the jeaulousy... I have enjoyed the company of these weird people I call my friends. I hate that it sounds so cheesy... Don't tell them I've said that! Nevermind, I want you to know it kinda. Because this will be my goodbye letter. Don't worry, not that kind. It would be a more dramatic one if I was going to kill myself. Besides I have someone to live for. No, it's a goodbye letter because my mom won't be able to pay for my therapy any longer, so I will change back to a public highschool.


Sikowitz has a worried look on his face. He appreciates Jade's honesty but he is concerned about if Jade will be able to go to a normal school. She will hate everything aboout it. Also she would never admit it but she depands on her friends, they keep her grounded and calm. Sikowitz knows his students well. Although it seems like he is acting goofy and silly all the time, he pays attention. „What about Beck? He and Jade save each other", Sikowitz thinks and opens Beck's letter. It's a short one. Beck writes about his dream of becoming an actor and that he is sure he has his eating disorder handled. Sikowitz is yet sceptical. Sikowitz continues to read the other letters. Cat writes about how her life is with her Nona and without the influence of her brother. Robbie reasons why Rex is an extention of his character and Andre writes a polite goodbye about leaving for hopefully Hollywood Arts. The last letter is Tori's:

I've learned a lot this year. I learned about how I'm apparently not really at Hollywood Arts and that I have some kind ofcomplexes. But you know what? That's life! I am not the only person on this world with problems. Everyone has something to deal with and I know that now! We will all figure out a way of our personal darkness, sometimes we just need some help to see things clearly. I may have not been perfect all the time and I don't have to be. In this class we have some people with immense issues yet all of them are wonderful in their one unique way and I wouldn't change a thing about them. I am happy to see you and all the others next year again!


It's Friday morning, the last day before summer break. Sikowitz stands in front of his class and starres at all his students. He really wants to give them all this amazing opportunity but he is scared. Sometimes he feels like he is responsible for them. So much could go wrong with his plan. So much could ruin the progress they have made over the past year. He needs to let them go now.

„Have you all prepared something creative to present?"

„Yes!", everyone answers.

„Okay, then let's go into the bus that's wating on the parking lot!", Sikowitz announces.

„Where are we going?", Tori asks.

„It's a suprise!", Sikowitz continues driving.

They stopp on the parking lot of the real Hollywood Arts.

„What are we doing here?", Robbie asks.

„My twin brother Erwin works here as an acting teacher and I told him about my talented students and he will let you all have a special audition!"

„What?!", Cat screams excited.

A man who looks exactly like Sikowitz opens the door of the bus.

„Let's go children! After me! The principal and another teacher are already waiting for you!"

The teens follow Erwin Sikowitz into the school.

„Make me proud!", Sikowitz yells after them before he drives of.

Later that night he gets a text from Tori.

We all got in! WE ALL GOT ACCEPTED!

I can't believe it we're all going to the REAL Hollywood Arts!

Thank you for everything!

Sikowitz smiles when he sees the picture Tori has send him. There are Robbie, Andre, Cat, Beck, Jade and Tori in a group hug, laughing and celebrating! They all look very happy and proud. Adam Sikowitz wishes them all the best of life they could possibly have!

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