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Tori is sitting in the audience with her parents waiting for her sister Trina to finally perform. „Mr. and Mrs. Vega? We have a problem, hurry!", says a man, a teacher from Hollywood Arts. Tori and her parents hurry after him. When they arrive backstage they see Trina struggeling to breathe. Her tongue is all swollen and she starts to panic. „Call 911!", Tori's mom yells. „She has an allergic reaction."

Short after the ambulance has arrived, Tori overhears the teacher preparing Trina's understudy for her spontanious performance. „You got this!"

Trina is freaking out and trying to scream: „She's not me! I am better than her, nobody can be a Trina Vega!"

„Darling, you cannot go out there right now, I am so sorry. Another time", Mrs. Vega says.

„No! Maybe I can't be Trina, but I am still a Vega!", Tori says full of confidence. She runs towards the stage where Trina's understudy just has stepped on. Tori grabs the microphone and pushes the poor girl of the stage. „Tori! Come back here!", her dad yells, but Tori can't hear him, she just starts to sing and dance. The band stops to play and everyone is running to the girl who was pushed by Tori from the stage. She's bleeding on her forhead now. But Tori doesn't bother and keeps singing until her father graps her arm and pulls her of the stage. Sitting in their car, Tori asks: „Can I drive?"

„No", her dad says harshly.

„Why?", Tori is confused.

„Why? How many more people do you want to hurt today?"

Tori goes silent. „The paramedics told us that Trina is having an alergic reaction to the peanut cupcake you boought her! You know she is highly allergic to peanuts!"

„But I- ... I-"

„That's enough! You promised that something like that will never happen again."

„It wasn't on purpose that Trina's boyfriend ran crying away from her!"

„You threw a chair at him after you treat to eat him alive!"

„He was ignoring me."

„Your jealousy has to stop, right now, before someone gets killed. You better pray your sister is alive!"

The next morning at the breakfast table. Trina was already back from the hospital but she was mad at Tori so she stayed in her room. „Your father and I need to talk to you about something", Tori's mother announces.

„You are gonna send me away, I knew it...", Tori says with tears in her eyes.

„No, no, honey. But we decided that from Monday on you will attend a therapy program. It's art therapy for teenagers with special needs. Just like school you will go there from Monday till Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. We think it will be better for all of us that way since you still get to live at home."
„I finally got accepted in Hollywood Arts?! Thank you, mom and dad!", Tori hugs them and runs off to her room. „That's not exactly what we've said, honey", her dad yells after her but she can't hear him, she's already gone.

„So Trina is going to show you around a little since she has been here before", Tori's mom explains on the parking lot of the mental health clinic. Tori enters the clinic with Trina. „So here's your time table. Your first session is with Sikowitz, he's a little weird but fun. See ya later!", Trina explains.

„Where are you going? You are supposed to show me around?!" But Trina is already gone. „How am I supposed to find the right room?" Tori says to herself. But a girl with neon red hair hears and walks towards Tori. „I am going to Sikowitz room as well now. You can come with me if you want", she starts giggling with she's petting her purple stuffed girafe. „She must be around my age, why does she have this toy with her?", Tori asks herself but the girl interupts her thoughts, „My name is Cat."

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