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„So today you're going to create a character based on yourselves", Sikowitz explains.

„Everyone is always influenced by the people or things surrounding them and so is your personality. You are a reaction to the invironment. So I want you to think about a character that you would be if there wouldn't be your family or your friends." Cat giggles nervously and Jade lowers her head a little while starting playing with her nails. „Nor your toys."

Rex feels attack and says jokingly: „Robbie is not a toy, he cries too much to be a toy."

„I think he meant you, Rex", Cat says.

„I think he knows that!", Jade screams.

„But he said-", Cat argues.

„Or what you would be without your dreams!", Sikowitz continues and looks at Tori and Beck, „We will call it the pure characters. Next week we will make a play with these chracters, so they'll better be good." Sikowitz seems happy with his assignment while the teens are half confused and half challenged.

Later at lunch all of them disgust Sikowitz' new idea.

„Nobody can say what they would be without crazy people in your life", Andre says while playing on his keyboard.

„I can!", Cat says happily, „I would be just like always."
„No, you wouldn't. If you weren't living with your psycho brother than you wouldn't be-", Jade thinks how to not be too hurtful towards Cat, „like that."

„But I am, I don't even live-", Cat stops and starts chewing on her red hair.

„Sometime I wonder what's going on inside her head", Beck says. Everyone just thinks Cat is just being silly again but Robbie is really curious what she was about to say.

„Cat, what have you just said?"

„Oh nooo! I left the candle on the skateboard!", Cat heads off.

„What?!", Andre asks confused, „I'll guess we will never understand her."

„I think I wouldn't be here to become a popstar without my sister", Tori states out of nowhere.

„Ohhhh, you are not here to-", Jade laughs in amusement about Tori's statement.

Beck grabs around Jade's waist and pulls her closer to him to stop her from talking. „Be nice, please!"

„I am just telling the-"

„Na, na, no, no, nope", Beck gives her a small kiss.

Jade looks upset about Beck making her shut up but she lets go of picking on Tori.

„I think it's hard to say what if", Beck says.

„Not for Robbie", Tori says, „he just needs to put his puppet away and there is a pure Robbie."

„Rex is not a puppet!", Robbie explains.

The rest of the gang stow their disagreement.

„Fine, I'll show you all. For this whole week there will only be me!", Robbie explains out of anger.

„You will not make it a day without me", Rex laughts.

„We'll see who needs who the most!", Robbie puts Rex in his bag.

The next day Robbie stands in the hallway without Rex and it feels so weird for him. But noone seems to notice a difference. Robbie has left Rex at home and Robbie's mother has told him how proud she is of him finally going outside without his puppet. Suddenly Jade walks in.

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