Unnatural part 2

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A/n- The song is the same for this chapter as it is for the last one

4. Unnatural part 2

Your P.O.V.

I woke up to excruciating pain coming from everywhere. I started to panic.

Where was I? What had happened? Had I been kidnapped? Was I dead? Was I in Heaven? Hell?

Everything soon came back to me. I was running from them. I stopped. They caught me. I wanted to die. Someone took me. I blacked out.

I sat up quickly at the thought of someone taking me when I was blacking out. I regretted it as soon as I did though. Pain shot through me all over. I screamed out in the open. I fell back into the bed as I heard the door open and close quickly.

"Oh no no no, your pain killers have worn off." A British voice said.

I looked over at him as my breathing increased. He was tall. Over sic foot. He wore black jeans and a white shirt covered in blood. My blood. His hair was curly and wild around his face. And he had these green eyes. Those green eyes that took me.

"What do you want with me?!" I screamed at him.

He left the from quickly and came back with a shot, sinking it into my arm. The pain soon faded to a little sore. I sat straight out of the bed and looked at him. He looked at me.

"Who are you, and why am I here?" I asked.

He continued looking at me until he answered. "I am just like you. I was walking back to this dump when I heard you. I saw you and knew you were it. You are the one I have been looking for."

I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Look we are the same. You have special...talents I guess we could call them. I have them too! I have been isolated by everyone. I was in a library reading up on this, and it said there was a girl like me. There is always a girl and always a boy. So I went searching for you. And here you are."

"How long?" I asked.

He looked at me sighing. "It's been nine years."

I looked at him with awe. Someone had cared this whole time. Someone was searching for me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Harry Styles."

"I'm (y/n)." I said.

We sat there for a little while before the silence got to much.

Before I could think, I leaned forward and kissed him. His lips were sweet and plump. They were warm and exactly what I always imagined lips to taste like. The sparks flew greatly. His hands entangled themselves in my hair while I did the same to his. When we pulled back, I was breathing heavily.

"I can't believe you have been searching for me. No one has ever cared." I told him.

"Oh baby, if only you knew how much this meant to me. This was meant happen." He gestured between us. I knew we had only just met, but I knew he was it.

"This is gone sound crazy, but Harry, I believe this was meant to happen for whatever reason. We are meant to be." I told him.

He smiled at me. "I knew you had to be the one, I had this feeling when I read the book."

"Thank you so much Harry."

He kissed my forehead. "Anytime. Now we better head out, we have got the world to see."

I was finally doing it. I was running away. I was running away with someone who knew me. Got me. Wanted me. Loved me. I was running away, but not alone.

Ok, so I know it was kinda weird, but just stick with me! I'm still learning! Also when I say YOUR P.O.V. I'm gonna write like it's my P.O.V., but I will put (y/n) and stuff. Does that make sense? I hope so.

Please vote and comment and give me feedback!

Xoxo kitties


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