[22] Marissa's happily ever after

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a/n: my muse is going to poly ~ good luck with the interview, kitty <3 peanutbicycles



"Seabren?? What the hell do you want?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to know how you've been..."

"Cut the crap, Teal... What are you calling me about?"

"I'm serious!"

"Great. Well. I'll be going now then."



"I need to ask you something."

"What's up?"



"I've seen the way you look at her, Marissa..."

"Yeah? She's my best friend. What about it?"

"Marissa, are you in love with Kati?"



"Why did you have to go and make this so miserable?"

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to, Mari."

"Yes. I'm in love with Kati."

"Well... that's one thing we have in common."

"Look, Teal, she's straight as a 180-degree angle. She's never gonna fall for me, and I've seen the way she looks at you, and I know that she genuinely is falling for you. She's talked about you a million times, she never stops thinking about you, hell, if you asked her to be your girlfriend now I'm sure she'd say yes."

"Marissa. That's not right, is it?"


"She was yours from the beginning."

"She's never going to love me, Teal."

"I know."

"This is why I hurt."

"Marissa, I love your best friend."

"I relate."

"I don't know how long you've felt the same way for her, but it feels almost selfish taking her away from you. I know she loves you too. I know she sees you as her AMAZING best friend because that's what you are! Amazing. Marissa, I don't want to ask Kati out anymore if I don't have your blessing. I know it's weird but..."

"It's not. It's actually very sweet."

"These past few months of texting Kati and calling her have been a dream. I'm broken, Mari. I've been through things that have completely destroyed me, and Kati has been there to pull me out of it."

"Marissa, if you say no to this relationship, I will give up on her. But I love her and I'm willing to do anything you want to be able to call this girl mine."

"That was really sweet, Teal."


"Teal, I couldn't say no to this thing you two have. She's happy. And that's all I need."

"You're giving me your blessing??"

"Yes. Yes, I am. On one condition."

"What is it?"

"I get to be the maid of honour."

"Oh my gosh."

"Hahaha! I'm kidding. Or am I?"

"Marissa!! Too far into the future."

"I call godmother!!"


"Heh. You asked for it."



"Will you be okay?"

"Yeah. Of course. I'll find some other chick to love. We'll come to your wedding and I'll force Kati to make her a bridesmaid."

"Oh my gosh."




"Thank you, Mar."

"Kati was never mine."

"I'm glad she's happy with you. Take care of my loose button."

"I will. I won't fail you, Rissa."


Marissa looked down at her phone, smiling. Softly, she chuckled. In a way, her heart was now free. She looked up to the heavens, a cold rushing up to her cheeks.

"I'll always love you, button. But maybe not always in that way." She scrunched her nose and giggled. For a moment in a long time... Marissa was happy about her position with Kati.


a/n: thanks for reading guys. i really hope this helped give Marissa the happy ending I promised you guys. Marissa deserves the world, and although this isn't the HAPPIEST ending for Rissa, I thought this was a sweet enough ending for her. this book is coming to a close soon! but watch out for the next book in the UNKNOWN series. it's going to be called INDIGO and I think its gonna be pretty cute :p

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