Half On the Otherside Chapter 5

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Robert drove home from work with his mind clouded with confusion. "How could this happen? I have been that damn stupid" Robert said to himself. The drive home seem long but seeing his wife and his daughter laughing through the front window; made him sick to his stomach. Robert collected his thoughts and emotions together before he got out the car. "Everything is normal and nothing has changed." He said to himself over and over again before he unlocked the door. April greeted Robert home in open arms and welcoming kiss. "Hi Dad!" blake said as she headed towards her room.

Blake ran towards her bed to answer her phone. She looked down at the number and decided to call back. "Hello Blake.Look out your window" Dominic said. Blake looked out of the window and saw dominic waving. "I am getting tired of your stalkerish ways Dominic. Im on my way down." Blake spoke in the phone before she hung up. Blake grab her coat as she went outside. "It's hella cold out here..This better be good Dominic!" Blake yell at Dominic. He just smile and walked towards her. "Is this how you talk to your boyfriend?" Dominc said with a laugh. Blake blushed as she said"Boyfriend!? What boyfriend? or Do you mean how i talk to my stalker. Then yes this is how i talk to my stalker."

April watch the two teenagers outside talking and it reminded her of Donte. Robert walked up behind her and kissed her on neck. April turned around and returned the kiss. A trail of kissing and clothes that lead to the bedroom. Four play lead to more of a heat situation. Robert pushed April down on the bed and entered her. As soon as april began to moan. Robert started to her choked. Robert kept thinking more about how his wife had slept with another man. He grabbed her hair and slapped her. April stopped and looked at robert. "How you lost your damn mind! What is wrong with you, Robert!" He sat in the bed at look at her as she got dress. " What happened to us April? It's like our devils are coming to collect our souls. Robert said as watched her walked towards the door.

"Look i dont what happened to us i thought everything was good but i guess your the one opening the door in letting the devils into our lives. Robert sat on the bed, letting April words sink in his mind. "I dont know what to do. and besides that i cant control my emotions." Robert said to himself. April stood outside the door collecting herself  as the tears rolled down her face. April walked down stairs into the living room. She noticed Blake outside standing with a boy whom she have never seen. The boy eyes reminded her of Dante. April made up her mind "It was time to see him" April wiped her face as she walked down the stairs. "Blake, I didnt know we had company? Well let your dad know that you are outside the house.Im going to the lab for a while." April told Blake before she pulled out the driveway. "Okay, Mom. See you later. Goodnight" Blake replied as she wave towards April. "You sure that is mom,because you guys look like sisters." Donte said as he poked Blake. "You perv" she said jokingly.

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