Half On The Otherside chapter 3

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The next morning Blake woke up to complete silence.  She looked around the room to make sure she was still in her room. After all the information she had been given yesterday; she longing  for the days when she was just a regular teenager. Blake turn on her iPod to Flyleaf. The music filled the room. For as long as the music played she forgot all of her problems dance around the room as she got ready for school. Blake look in the mirror and somehow she knew today was going to be the beginning of a new beginning. She grab her earphones and started out of the door. 

Before she can walk out the door. The puppy ran out the door.  Blake thought she test her powers on the dog. She stares at the dog until the little puppy rose into the air and floated towards her and into the house. "Sweet!! Now stay and be a good little dog." Blake said to the puppy as he landed. She rubbed his head and walkout of the door. " Well i guess i will have to walk to school today. Stupid Boy!!!!" Blake said as she shook her fist in the air. The walk to school seem rather refreshing to today.Blake jumped as soon she felt some snag her sleeve.

"Chill out it's just me." Dominic said with a laugh. " Well i didn't appreciate that you jerk!! Why are you following me? Are you some type of stalker?" Blake said as she tried to walk away from him. "I told why i was here and you didn't say that last night." Dominic said. Blake started to blush with the thoughts of last night's kiss. "Lets get to school so you can show me around." Dominic said.  The walk to school seem short lived as they reached the gate. A limo pulled up in front of them. "Blake!" a voice from inside of the limo call out to her. " I must go Dominic come by house later!!!

Blake scream as she ran for the car. She opened the door to find her grandfather sitting there drinking a blood mary. "Yes grandfather, you wanted to see me." Blake said as she grabbed on of the blood orange slices off the tray. "I think it's time you learn the family trade dear. I want you train as your mother did and her sisters did too. I am pretty sure she as already sure she has told you about your training." Grandfather asked Blake. Blake thought long and hard for the answer in her mind. She wondered how much did grandfather really know about her. "Yes she told me she would train me but hasn't told me when." Blake said choosing her words carefully.

The limo stopped and April stepped in.  They rode in silence for an hour until grandfather's limo dropped them off at a cliff. " Good luck Blake. Your mother is a tough one." He said to Blake as she exit the car. As the car rode a away. Grandfather called his assistant." I want a DNA sample ran on Blake. I need to see something."

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