Half on the other side

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"It's 12:00 pm and it's my birthday. I should be jumping for joy..I don't why i feel so strange." Blake said as she stared at her alarm clock on her dresser. The room was surrounding her darkness and the only light was from the moon sliver glow. She touched her hair to moved it out her face. When she felt a cool breeze through her room.Blake started to feel hot and drizzy as she closed her eyes 

"Oh no!! Not again.Why does this always happen to me.." Blake screamed at her self. Blake slowly started float over bed until she felt her knees touch the ceiling.

" Just relax, you can control it. Everything is going to be okay." "Blake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" her mother screamed " Oh shit!!!! i mean I'm sorry mom." Blake said as she dropped to the bed in a loud thump. "You are never to use these powers." "Why mom everyone else is special and have different abilities. I only one in this god forsaken town who isn't normal. I'm close to human. Almost everyone thinks from the otherside. "

"Blake honey you are very special. The most special person in this town.Everyone doesn't know how the otherside works" "Mom I'm not little girl anymore and these lines wont work on me anymore." Blake says as she laughs. " Get some sleep honey you gotta a big day planned a head of you. So get some rest." Her mom said as she kissed her on the forehead before she exit her room.

Blake lay in her bed wondering what tomorrow would bring. Little did Blake know her whole existence is about to change.

Blake's mom April shut the door behind her and shook her head. "Poor Blake, Her whole life is about to change. I really hope her powers sort themselves out." She thought to herself. The smile that was once on her face from seeing Blake, slowly faded. 

 The next morning at school Blake parked her bike, as her bestfriend Doray ran towards screaming "Happy Birthday!!" Doray and Blake walked down the hallway as Blake shoes was suddendly tied together. Not paying attention Blake fell on her face in front of everyone in the hallway. Doray helped Blake off the ground. Once Blake sat up she realize that her Ipod screen has cracked. Doray look at Blake's face as she realize what happened to her friend. "Listen those girls are jerks. Just enjoy your birthday and besides we are soooo better than they are." Blake tried to take her friend's advice and enjoy her birthday ."I hate this stupid school" Blake said as her best friend Doray start to laugh. " Look at the bright side it's your birthday. I'm pretty sure for your parents has something really fun planned for you."Doray said 

"You're right..I am the birthday girl and this is my day. And no one is going to rain on my parade." Blake said with smile. The bells rings for class and the two friends part for class. Blake enters class to find that her desk is covered with glue and the words freak stuck on the back of her chair. " Happy Birthday Freak!!"

Blake just stood in here front of her desk frozen by embarrassment. Her mind run freely throughout all of classmates thoughts. Suddenly she heard one girl laughing. She felt the anger flows through her veins. She said to herself " I wish you would get up and tell the class how much of a bitch your are and how you have slept with both of your best friends boyfriends."

Out of nowhere the girl gets up out of her seat. Suddenly the girl gets up and walks front of the class and stands on the teachers desk. " Everyone I have announcement I Sopiah Mckatz is a total slut..To my dear friends I have only thing to say I had sex with all of your boy friends to Andrea your boyfriend penis is the size of a vile and Bridget the sex with your boyfriend was awesome. And to the rest of everyone I am a total bitch and I'm really really proud of that. Now excuse I have to go to ladies and cry to myself. The whole classroom stood silent as Sopiah walked out of the class. Then in spite of what she said her two lackeys out behind her with a trail of tears.

Blake had smile from ear to ear through the rest of the day. Sopiah was no to be found the rest of the day. Blake opened her locker at the end of the day to noticed that Doray had left a present in there that took over half of her locker. " I'll open it at my birthday dinner." she thought to herself. "Today is the best day ever of my life.Once i get a hold of my powers i will never get picked on again. Cool beans."  Blake unlocked her bike and rode in the fall afternoon. 

Blake's dad Robert was looking at the result of the report. When he looked over at a picture of his daughter on his shoulders.  " You know what this means April?" " That our daughter has grown into a beautiful young lady today" " Besides that April, no our experiment was a success!" April thoughts were running rapid. April thought to herself " Sometimes our past catches up with us.if anyone was to find out about Blake's true identity. She would be hunted down."

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