Getting Closer

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The sun shone through her blinds, today was a good day.Ari had just woken up and decided to lay back down again for a half hour.Though after a few minutes, she realized something, she wet the bed! Ari was obviously panicking about this, but she knew she had to do something.So, Ari forced herself out of bed, into a T- shirt and bra, examined the sheets and blanket to see if anything was really wet, and tossed them into the washing machine. " This is bad, but I'll get through it. I'll just wear a diaper to sleep." Ari thought aloud. After that, she cleaned herself up, put on some pants and went to check her phone.


The next morning, she woke up to a wet diaper. "Good thing it isn't on the sheets." Ari thought. She then again tried to rest for a bit, but was distracted by her clammy diaper. She really doesn't like cold, wet diapers.So Ari had to go change herself. A grumble in her belly brought another thing to her attention. She needed to go more. Ari slumped out of bed and into a squatting position, which caused a nugget to slip out of her uncontrollably.She noticed that but began pushing anyway.Just a log came out, a sigular log. Ari was worried about this, that was a small mess for her.She began thinking that she was constipated,  Ari remembered that she has some laxitives in her bookcase. She looked in there and got the bottle out but, she didn't read the instructions and just went with her gut with the dose. After that, while the bookcase was still open Ari decided to change into a clean diaper for just in case.           Thirty minutes later, she heard a big grumble. She immideatly shot up from the couch and half-squated and grunted. Two  logs came out. A third plopped into the pile aswell. Ari pushed real hard. A forth and fifth exited her body. But she wasn't quite done yet. The sixth log slithered out of her slowly but then quickly left as the seventh came down. To top it all off, Ari left a nice dressing of diaherra on her gigantic mess. She felt ten pounds lighter so relived, her father couldn't say the same. " Oh my god!" He exclaimed. Ari was confused and then looked down. Her eyes widened. She had pooped so much that her diaper had leaked. There was a mound of it on the floor, she could feel some in her pants leg. Ari was both impressed and horrified that she created a Jessica sized mess.

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