Stage 10: Her

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[Name] fiddled with her fingers as Kei walked beside her.

"What's making you so nervous, chibi-chan?"


Actually, he was the reason. Other than the fact that it was a date, the way he looked was enough to drive her mad. He looked so simple and yet so handsome.

He had the same outfit since he left the boy's locker room but still [Name] still couldn't get over just how attractive he was.

'I'm blaming it on my hormones. It's not possible for someone to look this attractive, okay?!'

It still perplexed her how having a light blue sweater over a white polo and denim jeans was enough to send her heart in a frenzy.

"You're not thinking of backing out on me, are you?" Kei asked, teasing how the girl was so nervous.

"It's not that!" [Name] insisted.

"Then what is it?"

"You're too attractive right now!"

And there she said it.

'Oh kami-sama I said it.'

"Oh," Kei said. "I'd like to say you're also attractive right now, but then I'd be lying."

"Hey, that's rude!" [Name] said, pouting at her mean date.

"I'm just saying the truth. You're not attractive right now because you already have been since the beginning."


"You've always been pretty."


[Name] hid her face on her hands as her face began to blush. Her heart was beating fast enough for her to feel it without even placing her hand on her chest. Kei placed his hand on her head as she looked down to guide her where to walk. This didn't help the girl at all regarding her heart.

'I swear to kami Tsukishima. If this is all a joke, I'm gonna whoop your ass to the moon.'


"You like tasting different cakes, right? What flavor do you want right now?"

"I'd like an oreo cheesecake," [Name] said. "A whole cake."

"Okay," Kei said, not even bothering to say no.

"W-Wait! I was joking! Just a slice!"

[Name] could hear the blond chuckle before going to the counter to the order.

The girl couldn't help but feel happy that the tall boy remembered how she liked to experiment with different cake flavors. It was just a little thing, but it showed that he was listening. That alone warmed her heart already.

When Kei had finished ordering, he went back to their table while waiting for their order.

"Hold out your hand," [Name] said.

"You wanna hold it?"

"Psh," she said. "You wish."

"Whose wish?"


"You?" Kei repeated, with a much more questioning tone.


10 Stages of Me and You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now