Stage 4: Him

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Classes already started and yet the scene earlier still hasn't left his mind.

Kei held her wrist. He actually held her wrist. Granted it was more of a reaction to the danger that almost injured the girl he liked, but still. In any other circumstances, he wouldn't have had the courage to do anything even close to such.

He knew that deep inside him he wanted to hold her close and make sure she doesn't go away. But that wasn't him, right?

Kei suddenly felt lost. How was he going to deal with his emotions when almost all his life, he avoided such feelings. He never had a crush. Sure, there were people he thought were attractive, but it never led to actually liking them.

This was new territory. And he didn't know how to handle it.

In the slightest chance that it all evolves into a relationship, can he even handle it?

'Wait! Why am I even thinking like there's a chance? I'm going to give myself all these false hope about a future that might not even be possible.'

What even was her type of guy?

Kei suddenly realized how little he knew about their [h/c] haired manager. If he started asking questions about her, she'd notice. Then his secret might be realized. He had to make sure that it came in a subtle way. His best bet was using someone else. His best bet was Yamaguchi.


It was the first break. [Name] rarely joined them when it was the first break. She'd often spend it either doing homework she wasn't able to finish or sleep. So this was the perfect time to start his plan.

"Yamaguchi," Kei said, grabbing the attention of his friend. "Come with me."

The two started to walk away from the building and to the grounds of the school campus. He made sure that no one or at least just a few were nearby.

"What is it, Tsukki?" Tadashi asked.

"I just want to know. Since you're really close with munchk- I mean, [Surname], do you have any idea on what her preference on guys is?" Kei looked away from his friend as he finished his sentence.

"[Surname]? We never really talked about it- wait." Tadashi looked at Kei, squinting as he continued talking. "Tsukki, do you perhaps like [Surname]?"

Kei, surprised by his statement, barely got to stutter out the letter I as he tried to explain himself. His red ears and failed attempt at talking already gave Tadashi the answer he wanted.

"Wow. Tsukki actually likes someone."

"Shut up Yamaguchi. Don't act like it's an impossible thing."

Tadashi waved his hand and shook his head as he explained himself.

"No no no. It's just that, I've never really seen you as the type to actually try to pursue someone you like."

Kei clicked his tongue before saying, "Who said I was pursuing her?!"

"Sorry Tsukki for assuming that. If you weren't though, then why were you asking about her type towards men?"

Kei could only sigh as he wondered himself. It's not like he decided on wanting to pursue her. He was just curious, maybe. Perhaps it came along with the desire to know her better? Is that why he was trying to learn what she liked about men? Because he just wanted to know her better?

10 Stages of Me and You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now