Stage 5: Him

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Kei couldn't stop thinking about how her hand made contact with his. Strangely enough, it didn't feel weird. In fact, he wanted to do it again.

The two were walking home again without Tadashi and Kei was thinking how to start a normal conversation with [Name] for once. Not a teasing one, a normal one. He wasn't getting anywhere though.

Other than the reason that he was too nervous to start a conversation with her, he also didn't want to bother her from her game. She had her phone out and was playing an RPG game that was quite the trend recently.

Her focused expression while walking made Kei's heart flutter for some reason. He rarely saw her this serious towards something and he guessed he found that an attractive sight.

Kei could hear the girl mutter underneath her breathe while she lost her loots along the level. Seeing her play was an entertaining sight for him and he couldn't help but chuckle whenever she made a mistake and softly cursed.

When [Name] finally finished the level, she leaned her head back and sighed.

"Man, I thought I was going to lose."

Kei looked forward again, not wanting the girl to catch him staring at her play earlier. Before they could even walk another ten steps, he heard the girl gasp loudly.

"It's finally open!" [Name] said, pointing to the shop that was waiting for ever since she knew it was under construction.

"Sweet Rendezvous?" Kei knew about the shop but wasn't entirely obsessed with the idea of it like the [h/c]-haired girl.

"They have great desserts! I heard Strawberry Shortcakes were their specialty."

And suddenly Kei was interested.


"For Tsukishima Kei."

The bartender called out the blond, informing him that their order was complete. Kei, who was leaning towards the wall near the counter grabbed the tray and walked to the table [Name] was sitting on.

The said girl was scribbling on her notebook, doodling. Kei had a quick peek to see that she has drawn different kinds of flowers before placing the tray in front of her.

"Here," he said, handing her her order which was a regular cup of hot [coffee/ choco/ tea] and a slice of triple chocolate cake.

Kei, on the other hand, ordered a small cup of choco and a slice of strawberry shortcake.

The girl put her stuff away before grabbing her cake and taking a piece. She squealed the moment she was able to taste it. Kei only looked at her, amused with her reaction.

"Hey hey, lamppost. Can I taste your cake?"

Kei raised his eyebrow at her.

"If you wanted to taste their strawberry shortcake, then why did you buy a chocolate one?"

"To widen the range, duh!" [Name] grinned at him before continuing to speak. "If we were both buying the same thing then I'd have to wait another day or buy another slice right now to taste another cake. But, if we were to buy different cakes, then I'd be able to taste two flavors immediately and see if I'd like them!"

10 Stages of Me and You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now