Brown not black

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Oh Hades no!!!" I crossed my arms and glared at the annoying cheerful blond.

He appeared unfazed by my glare and seemed to be fighting off laughter. "Honestly death boy it is the only ones we have left." He held out a set of pjs that were the most obnoxious bright yellow.

"I am not wearing them.......and don't call me death boy." I stated. Will just stood there waiting with a cheerful look on his face........ 5 minutes go by and he still has that cheer full grin. It is so awkward with him just looking at me. I can't stand it! "Fine!" I exploded. I stood up snatched the pjs and marched off to the bathroom trying to keep what dignity I had.


I walked out of the bathroom and went straight to bed pulling the blankets up. Will looked highly amused, his blue eyes sparkling with laughter. Can't believe I thought his annoying ass was hot. I glarred at him daring him to say something.

"Well between the Hawaiian shirt and these" he indicated the loud pajamas. "Your wardrobe has taken a bright turn." His smile was bright, irritating, smug and annoyingly cute.

"Shut up Solace! Don't think I won't summon a foot bone just to kick you in the ass!"

"Ha!!!" He scoffed loudly. Clearly not intimidated. "Go right ahead Di Angelo...... lets see how fast your stupid ass turns in to shadow!" He gave me a hard look. I lowered my gaze. "Yeah didn't think so." He took a few steps forward and sat on the edge of the bed. He was close. So close I could smell alcohol rub and seasalt. He must of gone down to the beach earlier. I shook my head. Clearing the thought.

He pressed his stethoscope against my chest. "Deep breath." I did as I was told trying to focus on the green wall infront of me. He continued to listen to my chest, then took my blood pressure. He took a light out of his pocket and looked at my eyes. "They are brown." He said quietly.

"What?" I asked. His cheeks went a little pink.

"Ummm.... your eyes. " he said while running his hand through his curly blonde hair. "They are brown..... not black...... like I throught." Time seemed to pause while we seemed to stare at each other.

"Will!" A girls voice called she sounded stressed.

Will sighed. "That's Katie. She watching over a couple of Nike's sons. They are competing to see who is the biggest pain in the ass."

I sniggered. This seemed to surprise him.

" WWILLLLL!" Katie yelled.

He sighed getting off the bed. "I will finish your assessment later.


Stop thinking about him you idiot! You just stopped crushing on Percy!

It had been hours since Will had left. No matter how much I tried to convince myself that I don't care. I looked up every time someone went past my door. Something must of gone wrong cause all the Apollo kids where rushing around.

Foot steps where coming. I looked up. Butterflies set flight in my stomach...... Katie walked in carrying a tray of food. I felt like a deflated balloon. "Dinner" she said cheerfully. I rolled my eyes. No way I was gonna eat it.

"Where's Will?" I asked before I could stop myself.

"Why? Do you need him?" Katie asked with a small smile.

I glarred at her. "He forced me to stay here and doesn't even treat me. If all I am going to do is sit here I can do that in my own cabin." I pushed the food away and crossed my arms.

"I will pass on your complaint." She said shortly and walked out. I flinched as she slammed the door. I know I was rude but whatever. What else did she expect from a child of Hades. I rolled over and faced the far wall.

Moments later the door to my room opened. "You really have a way with people." I rolled over and flinched as I twinged my wearwolf wound. "Careful Di Angelo." Reyna said. She sat in the chair next to me. She was back in her purple robe but now had Athena's cape too. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Fine." I said. She gave me a withering look. "I'm fine!" I said again. "Haven't faded in a few days now." She nooded and seemed to relax.

"Good" she said and nodded a few times. "We are heading out tomorrow and I may not get a chance to see you in the morning."

Silence grew between us. So much has happened. So many things shared.

"Nico." She said. I looked up to see tears in her eyes. She reached out and took my hand. "Thank you for helping us. I know what you did...... what you risked...... how you suffered." She took a deep breath. "Please don't go off all alone........"

"I am not...... I have chosen to stay." I said. She looked up surprised..... then she smiled.

"Good." She said again. She stood up and looked down at me. "You ever need me..... " she let the sentence hang.

I nodded. "I know..... you too." She leant over and kissed my head.

At that moment the door banged open. "Really death boy there is no need........ oh sorry." Will seemed flustered at the sight of Reyna leaning over me. Reyna seemed amused by his reaction. She smiled and winked at me before leaving.

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