Chapter Ten

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"You wanted to speak with me?" I ask as I enter my office, shutting the door behind me and taking a seat in the giant chair behind the desk. Jason nods but looks almost nervous. Uneasy.

"Jonathan wishes to speak with you privately." Jason says, not looking me in the eyes. I frown at him. What's going on here? "He wants to challenge you. To the death, Alpha. "

"Huh." I say and then chuckle. Jonathan apparently has a death wish. "Where's he at? We should get this over with."

"I left him waiting outside of the door." Jason explains, getting up as he does so. He opens the door to an empty hallways. I raise and eyebrow at him.

"He probably chickened out." I wave it away, turning back to my work.

"Or he's still in the cabin." Jason suggests and I shake my head. "Where's the Luna?" And it's the panicked tone he uses when he asks that makes me look up.

"Why?" My tone suddenly sharp. His eyes widen.

"He was pissed at you. There's no better revenge than getting at your mate, alpha."
I'm out of the room in minutes. If he even dated to lay a finger on her, he's dead. And I don't even care about the challenge. She is mine and no one gets to touch what belongs to me.


"Hey there, pretty girl." A deep voice coos at me and I whirl around. Who is this man? He's large and muscular and leaning against the door frame of my room. I feel trapped.

"Uh." I swallow hard. "Alpha Lupine isn't up here at the moment if you're looking for him. maybe you should check downstairs in his office or something." My voice only falters once as I speak and he smirks at my words. This guys is way too creepy for his own good.

"I know where the Alpha is." He spits out Theo's title like it tastes bad in his mouth.

"Okay cool." I say, dismissing him, yet he stays put and watches me. "You should go find him. I'm sure he won't appreciate you lingering around his mate." Where did that comes from? The man's smirk turns into a wide grin. My mouth turns down in distaste.

"You're too innocent." He shakes his head. "How can such a man be given such a woman? He doesn't even deserve you. He should treat you like a queen, not go dragging you through the woods like you're his pet. Any man with a brain would treat you better than that."

"Alright, listen up, buddy." I place my hands on my hips and glare at him. "I may not understand why he's my mate but he is. I also knows he's your alpha so why you're talking about him like this is beyond me. It's appalling, to be honest. Leave before I get even more upset and Theo notices."

"What am I not supposed to be noticing?" A deep voice asks from behind the man as the man tenses up and I sigh in relief.

Just the man I needed. The one thing that irks me is his voice. It's just so calm and collected nice never heard him sound so calm the entire time I've know him. That time may not be very long but still.

"Alpha." The man addresses Theo and Theo doesn't even glance at him. He's looking at me, assessing to see if I'm hurt. When he finds that I'm not, he still doesn't even look away. It's as if he's trying to keep in his calm state and I'm helping with that somehow.

"Jonathan." Theo growls out.

"I was just looking for you." The man, Jonathan, explains. I snort. Looking for Theo my ass! I tried to get him to look for Theo. He wanted no part of it.

"In my bedroom that withholds my mate?" Theo asks, tilting his head to the side. "You wanted to challenge me, right?" I blink.

What? Who would even dare to challenge such a powerful and overwhelming man? He walks into a room and people can't help but feel his power. He exudes dominance. Why would anyone in their right minds put themselves at such a risk?

"Yes, sir."

"So why are you speaking with my mate?" It's then that I can hear Theo's barely contained rage. I take a step toward him, knowing something bad is due to happen, but he looks at me and growls. I frown in return. He needs to realize I'm not the enemy.

"S-she's just so innocent, alpha. It's hard to stay away from something that has never been tainted." Jonathan is starting to look scared. Good! That's my mate he's talking to and he should be scared! My wolf purrs in agreement.

"Well my hands are about to be tainted with your blood." Theo snarls. "Get the fuck away from her already! She's mine! Let's go settle this like we're supposed to.

They're still going to go through with the challenge? That's insane! Jonathan must really want to die. I look at the scene in front of me. This is a mess.

"Fine." Jonathan then manages a smirk. "Winner gets the girl."

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