1- Early Bird Catches the Worm

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Chapter 1

Early Bird Catches The Worm

Angela arrived early in school so there are no students yet except her, the guards, and the janitor mopping the 2nd floor hallway.

It's only understandable considering that it's only 6:15 AM.

After giving the janitor a quick 'good morning', she went directly upstairs on their classroom located at the 4th floor. Since their classroom is still locked, she decided to just sit cross legged outside their room.

Putting on her earphone and playing her playlist of Taylor Swift songs, she quietly listens while browsing her social media account. It has always been her way of passing time by listening to Taylor Swift's songs. She just loves every single one of her songs.

It was so quite that even with her earphones on, she can hear Mang Nilo, the janitor, going up on the third floor to mop.

Angela thought it was just her imagination when she heard someone crying. But as the crying continues, she took off her earphone and listened intently.

She's positive that the sound came from their own classroom, Room 13.

"Hello, who's there? Miss, are you okay? Are you trapped inside? Just wait okay, I'll get some help from downstairs..." when she went to look through a window, she saw a girl standing in the middle of the room, wearing their uniform but it's a bit crumpled.

She didn't know how the girl got trapped inside the room. It's impossible that she stayed since last night. The janitor always checks the room after class and the guard double checks before closing the school to avoid any students on playing pranks.

She put that thought aside, thinking that getting the girl out of that room is more important.

She hurriedly went to the 3rd floor to ask help from Mang Nilo, as the school janitor in charged in their building, he has access on the keys from all the rooms of their building.

Angela was taken aback when she saw that no one was on the 3rd floor, not a sign of someone being there.

She was so sure that she heard him go upstairs, maybe he went down without her hearing his footsteps.

Let's hope my lock-picking skills is good, then, she thought to herself and decided to go upstairs again.

She was shock to see a girl on top of the stairs with her back turned from her and she seems to be crying.

Angela is confused.

The girl on top of the stairs is definitely the same one from inside the room.

So, she's not trapped inside? But the door is locked... What the hell is going on??

"Hey miss, are you the one trapped inside our room? Are you okay? What grade are you from?" she slowly approached the crying girl.

She knows that this girl doesn't belong from her class, she knows everyone even with their backs turned from her. Her seniors are also using the 3rd and 2nd floor and only the freshmen shares the 4th floor with them.

"H-help me... They lied... It was all lies... I need to talk to them..." Angela managed to understand what she's saying in between her sobs.

"Okay... okay... what happened exactly? You can tell me..."

The girl immediately stopped from crying. Angela's brows furrowed...

That's a quick change...

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