Louis x reader☁️💦

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Before you read this please know that I wrote this in a sad mood soooooo.....

Your POV

"Trust me Y/n everything is going to be alright" I fiddled with my fingers as I sat on our bed while Louis my husband helped me put on my shoes . "I know I just don't want it to end up like last time..." I could feel my stomach churn with anxiousness as I thought about my accident. It was about three years ago when we had gotten married. I had just finished college and he due to his father's death had become heir to the Horns conglomerate. We were happy and even more happy when I had figured out that I had gotten pregnant with Louis's baby. Back then the look on his face when I told him was a sight to behold his eyes were gleaming and he immediately started planing every single detail.
Louis did everything he could to prepare the way for our baby; he himself handpicked every clothes, toy, and even the diapers. I found it very silly at the time but the most precious thing that he did for me was that he went to every ultrasound appointment with me he was even there at during my labor. The doctors had told us beforehand that our baby would have some minor problems getting out but we never knew it was thus serious. Our baby was supposed to be safe and sound but the moment he came out he was suffocated...by me. The doctors said that somehow along the way he had gotten his neck wrapped around the umbilical cord and died. Neither I nor Louis could handle the news. For the past month I had cried and cried until I had passed out every night while Louis drowned himself at work sometimes not even coming home.

I became a shell of a person when I lost my son but over the years I tried to forgive myself for what happened but I never found the heart to do it. It haunted me the thought that my child died inside me and now that we decided to try again for a baby those thoughts tormented me. "Look Y/n what happened last time wasn't your fault and it never was this time we finally have a chance so I don't think this would happen for no reason." He said as he held my hand between both of his to reassure me. I took a deep breath before agreeing and getting into the car driving to the private birth hospital . "Louis what do you think we should name her?" I asked him my hand caressing my stomach as he drove "Don't you mean him" I laughed at how he competitively he replied "Come on now you know I'm good at these things and besides before it comes out I'll have a name ready for my little boy so by then we'll see who wins this gender challenge you've got going on here" he rolled his eyes playfully.

We arrived at the hospital and they got me situated while Louis signed some papers. I was nervous I asked question after question to the doctors about the baby and they kept reassuring me that everything would be fine. "Your baby is in the perfect position to be birthed and in about 10 hours you'll start feeling contractions" I nodded as I carefully sat on the hospital bed rubbing my belly. "Hello there little one" I said feeling around the area where his head should be "We can't wait until you're here ok?" I laid down and waited for the doctors to come do whatever they were going to do. "Hey you feeling ok?" I looked up at the door seeing Louis with the baby bag that was in the car. "Yeah just a little nervous" he kissed my forehead telling me not to be and that he was going to stay with me the whole time "I'm going to be there the whole step of the way for our little boy" "Girl" I retorted punching his arm playfully. "Whatever you say dear"

4 hours later

It was already 10pm at night and I could feel some discomfort in my lower region I tried to ignore it thinking it could be the baby kicking but it hurt way too much for that. I looked over to my left to wake up Louis "Louis!" He woke up with a start immediately seeing my discomfort "I'll call the doctor!" with that he left and I tried breathing calmly but it hurt to much to even do that. "Let's get her to the labor unit!" They all came inside rushing at me "We can't she's already started dilating she's at 8cm we'll have to do it here!" They hooked me up to a heart monitor and something to regulate my blood while i was just screaming at the ring of fire that was downstairs. "Louis!" He immediately held my hand letting me squeeze it. "We're going to need you to push now take some deep breaths"  I listened to their instructions white hot flashes clouding my vision as I pushed until my baby came out. "It's a boy!" I laughed tiredly at the thought of Louis winning the competition but then I started feeling some more pain.

"Doctor  she's got another one coming!" What another one? I was so confused and too tired to even comprehend anything after that. "Y/n push push!" Louis shook my hand telling me to push broke me out of my tired state. I pushed and pushed until the baby came out "It's a girl!"  "So who won?" I laughed before passing out from the pure exhaustion.

I guess my little boy had come back to me after all.

"Y/n please don't leave me!"

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