Marine Winchester

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Dean Winchester was in the Marines. His husband, Castiel wasn't sure if he loved Dean's job or hated it. On one hand he absolutely despised the idea that Dean had to be put in harm's way voluntarily and have to stay away from home at months at a time but on the other hand he loved the fact that Dean was built, muscular and strong. His body, having to go through the harsh obstacles he faced in different countries, was hard and powerful and Castiel loved that. He loved Dean's arms wrapped around him after they had just made love and were laying naked in bed together. He loved when he wrapped them same arms around him when he was just cooking and Dean came up from behind. He loved clinging onto Dean's abs and running his hands across his bare thick chest. Being with Dean made him feel safe because Castiel knew that Dean was one of the best damn marines out there and if anybody tried to harm Castiel, Dean would be there in an instant to sort them out. Nobody said a bad word about the Winchesters in their neighbourhood because of Dean Winchester and his powerful position in the United States Army.

Castiel was stirring a cup of tea mindlessly while reading the newspaper. It was quite early in the morning and Cas knew that he had to be at work in about two hours but he couldn't really be bothered rushing around the place to get ready. He liked to have a slow and steady morning with being able to have a cuppa and some toast before getting a hot shower and putting on his suite. He didn't like rushing in the morning which was why he got up so early to get ready. His husband, Dean, was currently out on a job in Africa due to some troubles there that caused the American Federal army to have to go in and try and smooth things out. Castiel hated when Dean had to be away for months at a time because their home felt so empty when Dean wasn't around to make silly dad-jokes even though he wasn't a father (Castiel suspected that he was practicing) or when he wasn't trying to get Castiel to come back to bed because he had woken up two and a half hours early for work which he had done on many occasions beforehand.


The alarm went off loudly and Castiel groaned before shutting it off and sliding his legs off the side of the bed. Dean stirred beside him and Castiel, so not to wake him up, slowly lifted himself up off the bed and tried tiptoeing around to try and find his suit. However before he could walk away from the bed heard Dean ruffle around in the sheets and grab hold of his wrist, not letting him go any further.

"Dean, c'mon let go." Cas said, laughing slightly and trying to pull away from his husband.

"You don't got work for another 2 hours baby, come back to bed." He mumbles sleepily as Cas huffs and tries to pull away from Dean again.

"You know how I like my mornings Dean, I don't want to go back to bed." With that Dean let go moodily and sat up in bed slightly, leaning his back against the head board and bringing his knees up to face the ceiling so the covers fell off one leg revealing an almost naked Dean. Cas was disappointed the the quilts still covered his husbands area and Dean smirked at him when he saw the disappointment on his face.

"You're saying you don't want sleepy morning sex?" Dean growled out tiredly and Cas blushed for the first time in front of Dean in the longest time. Dean loved it when he blushed and he knelt up in bed and crawled over to him, grabbing is slender, naked waist and pulling him towards him. "Come back to bed Cas, call in sick for me. I'll never ask you to do it again."

"Dean-" Cas started but his husband put a finger to his mouth to shush him and grabbed Castiel's phone from the night stand. He clicked on the number that was Castiel's work and hit the green button, waiting for them to answer before handing it to Castiel. Cas looked at Dean in shock before grabbing the phone and putting it to his ear. "I-erm. Hi it's Cas. I, erm I can't come into work today. I'm really ill." Dean smiled as the lie ran out hurriedly from Castiel's lips, his eyes were looking down on Deans bare body with longing which was the reason why he stuttered over his words.

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