Too Young For Pie

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A/N: Don't worry, no underage sex just a schoolboy crush

Dean Winchester, the fourteen year old boy who loved pie. He just can't get enough of it, especially his next door neighbours Mr Novak's. Mr Novak made the best damn pie that Dean Winchester had ever tasted in his entire life. It was always warm and sugary sweet. He always put the right amount of fruit in it and blended it perfectly. Not too smooth and not too lumpy. 

Castiel had gotten into a routine of making pie for the teenage boy next door. He remembered the first time the boy knocked on his door like it was yesterday. Dean was only around ten years old when he first knocked on Castiel's door. He had smelt the pie that was cooling down on the window-sill on his way home from school and had decided to be confident and just ask if Mr Novak would like to share.

You see, Sam and Dean lived most of their days alone in that house as there father was always away and they didn't always have enough money for food. So Dean always took it in his personal stride to provide enough food for both him and his younger brother which is what led Dean Winchester to knock on the door of Mr Novak's house and ask him whether he would like to share their meal with them in return for some of his delicious smelling pie. 

Ever since then, Castiel always made sure the two Winchester had all the pie they wanted after seeing the small meal that they provided to share with the older man all those years ago. Dean would stop by, sometimes only to pick up the pie but other times he would sit down and talk to Mr Novak about his life. It took Castiel a long time to get the younger boy to open up to him but finally Dean Winchester would tell the 20 year old man about his mother's death and his fathers drinking problems.

Castiel had a soft spot for Dean Winchester. He was so young and vunerable and he just wanted the two young brothers to have a better life. He was always lend them money or give them food or even baking materials to make their own pie whenever Castiel went to go and visit his family. 

When Dean Winchester was fifteen years old and John Winchester had told the brothers to pack up their belongings and put them in the car, Castiel watched all this from the window of his house. He saw young Dean Winchester shouting and screaming at his father about not wanting to leave this place and Sammy crying in the back seat of the car, curling himself up in a ball.

"You can't make us leave! We don't want to leave this place, we like it here! You think you can just pack us all up and drag us away to another crappy town, another crappy neighbourhood and another crappy school! Well you can't! We like it here and here is where we are going to stay!" Dean shouts and rants over and over again but John just sighs and shakes his head, constantly apologizing to his frantic son. 

Finally, all goes quiet as they pack their rooms up and start moving boxes and belongings into the 1967 Cheverlot Impala. Castiel was in his kitchen, trying to finish the last pie he will ever make for Dean Winchester ever again, as a good bye present when his doorbell rang around the house loudly. Castiel turned the heat down on the oven and walked to the door, opened it and found the freckly-faced boy standing there looking like a kicked puppy on his doorstep.

"Dean, i'm glad you came by." Castiel says softly, telling the boy in his tone that he knew all about the moving house. Dean grimaced and looked up at the older man sadly, walking into his house.

"I've come to say good bye, Mr Novak." He says in a weak voice and Castiel nods sadly. 

"I know, Dean. How long can you stay for?" He asks and Dean only shrugs and sniffs the air.

"Long enough to eat a slice of pie with you." He grins through his sadness and Castiel lets out a low chuckle and walks into the kitchen, Dean following closely at his heels. 

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