You've Got Mail

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A/N: emojis will be used in this

"Alright, everyone make a username and make sure that nobody but you knows the name." The teacher called out to the class who were all sat at computers. "I'm looking at you, Mr Winchester. No telling anyone. Also the emails will be monitored so no inappropriate conversations understood."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Dean replies blankly as he stares at the computer screen, thinking about how stupid it was that they had to do this. He hoped that he would see a username he would recognise so he could pick them but the teacher had told them all to choose a name that one one would guess. The class was even made to get this app on their phones where they could talk to their mystery student,

Lame. Dean thought, yawning slightly. He had to come up with a good username that people wouldn't get. Thing it, dean was an open book. Everyone who was anyone knew everything about him.


I'm sorry, but the username you have used is inappropriate for the use of this program.

For fuck sake. Dean rolled his eyes before typing out something  else.


I'm sorry, but the username you have used is inappropriate for the use of this program.

Seriously? Dean thought and sighed before rolling his eyes. Fine then.


Congratulations. You are now a member of smart buddies! Please choose a student to talk to for the next two weeks.

Dean groaned as he looked through the usernames. His friends and literally gone all secretive on his ass and he didn't recognise a single username that he could guess from.

He was about to pick a random one when a notification came up.

AngelAssbutt would like to connect with you. Accept?

Dean was shocked! How could this little shit be allowed to be called angel assbutt and dean wasn't even allowed sexy?! He groaned a clicked accept as the chat appeared. This was it, his new email buddy for their social project for the next two months. Dean waited for a second but the user didn't write anything.

FMP (feed-me-pie)
AA (angelassbutt)

FMP: hey.

AA: hi.

FMP: how did you get that username? Every time I tried to put in something like sexy or bitch it banned me

AA: I put the two words together rather than putting a dash in between them. The generator couldn't pick it out then. 🌚

Fmp: I'm on the computer, what emoji was that?

AA: the creepy moon one. It's my favourite. I also like the bee 🐝 and the  peach 🍑 cause it looks like a butt. Ha ha.

Dean laughed slightly before straightening out and looking around. Luckily however everyone was too preoccupied by typing to their own buddies. He looked back down to see another message from AngelAssbutt.

AA: what's your favourite emoji?

FMP: well it would be the pie one if they had one but .... I guess the frog and the tea together cause it looks like that meme. Love memes.

AA: ah yes. 🐸 ☕️ that's a classic. Any others?

FMP: tongue emoji and water spurt

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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