Chapter 14

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Amys POV

I got a text from sqaishey on a group chat with netty asking when we were free so we could  go and get the bridesmaid dresses. I said any day and netty said she was going on holiday for a week in 2 days. Sqaishey asked if we could do it tomorrow and we all agreed

Sqaisheys POV

We went to bluewater and went to the same shop I got my dress from. We chose two identical dresses which looked amazing and they fitted perfectly so we bought them

Stampys POV

I arranged with squid and lee to get black suits with orange and yellow ties. They sent me back pictures of what they had. They were perfect so I went to talk to sqaishey about more arrangements.

Sqaisheys POV

Ii was eating lunch in the kitchen when stampy came in. He said "do u want to go out for dinner?" "sounds great kittycake" we were talking about the wedding when I suddenly remembered "we need a cake!" "I didnt think of that saaishey" "I think we should ask my mum shes amazing at baking" "sounds good lets walk to her house and ask"

We were on the way when I saw a man who scared me so much...I remembered him from somewhere and I knew I was in trouble...

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