Chapter 15

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Stampys POV
We were walking down to mummy duckies house when this big muscly man who looked like he could be a wrestler was coming the other direction. Sqaishey stopped in her tracks and looked pretty terrified. "Are you alright sqaishey?" She didnt reply.
Sqaisheys POV
That was it. Stampy called me by my name so the man knew it was me. He turned to face me and in a vicious voice said "hello sqaishey whos this?" And I replied "just a friend. No one important. What do you want. Who are you?" Stampy knew not to correct me to fiance. "Im your dad sqaishey!" I couldnt speak. Then stampy said "what do you want with her?" "She ruined my life! Thanks to her, her mum chucked me out the house with no money no nothing. Now she will pay!" He said. Me and stampy knew what to do....Run
I finally did it I updated
Sorry it took ages but I got a new phone and it was hard to copy and paste things cos I done it somewhere else first but it's fine now

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