Chapter 13

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Sqaisheys POV

Today was the day I was getting my wedding dress. I went to bluewater shopping centre and started to look. After a couple of hours I found this really nice shop that done brides dresses and bridesmaid dresses so ill probably bring amy and netty here next week. Anyway I found a beautiful dressand as I was about to pay, the cashier recognised me and gave me a discount

Stampys POV

I went to lakeside shopping centre to get my suit. I found somewhere that done really nice ones. I got mine fitted and I paid for it. As I was walking out I her heard "OMG ITS STAMPY!" I knew it was a fan. A small girl about twelve came running to me and said "what were you doing in there" "im getting married to sqaishey" her jaw dropped and she started screaming "OMG U TWO ARE MY TWO FAV YOUTUBERS!" I said that I was in a bit of a rush. I signed a piece of paper for her and went home.

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