"Here we go again."

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"Anne? Anne, sweetheart, please wake up." A worried voice said as she was gently tapped on the shoulder. Anne groaned and blearily opened her eyes. Right in front of her, bright and clear, was her mom's face. Her mom, who was supposed to be dead since last year.

"What the fuck." Anne said out loud. Her dad who was squatting beside the couch, where she's apparently lying on right now, raised a brow at her, "That's one hell of a curse."

Her mom smacked her dad on the shoulder before looking at Anne in the eyes, "Are you okay sweetheart? Do you have a fever?"

Anne sat up on the couch and her mom's hand immediately shot up to her forehead. A stream of 'oh my god' continuously played in her head.

"Mom?" Anne tentatively asked.

"You look like you've seen a ghost, bud." Her dad smiled, "Having cold feet for your first day as a senior?"

"Um," Anne's voice shook, "I guess?" The teenager pinched her arm three times and she's freaking sure that this whole thing wasn't a dream.

"Do you want to stay in bed today? We can always call your school in?" Her mom said as she gently petted her in the head.

"I'm g-good," Anne answered in a small voice. She can feel a silent ache coming from her chest as she continued staring at her mom. By now, tears were already filling her eyes. Anne propped herself in a comfortable position before hugging her mom tightly. 'I don't care if this is a dream,' Anne thought, 'My mom is breathing in front of me.'

"Hey? Are you sure you're okay?" Her mom asked, the playful tone gone. About a minute or so, they both pulled back from the hug before Anne spoke, "Y-yeah, I'm... I'm good. I didn't get enough sleep last night with the jitters and all but... what exactly is happening today?"

"Today's the first day of your senior year. Just one more year and you'll be heading for college." Her mom said with a big smile.

"Se-senior year?" Anne asked again.

"Yup," her mom patiently replied, "First day of my baby's senior year."

For a moment there, Anne feels like she's going to have a stroke. She's going to run naked on the streets and bury herself alive if she heard her mom correctly. Anne gulped before replying, her voice quivering lightly, "Th-that sounds great."

"Look, why don't you freshen up, while we wait here with your breakfast." her dad said as he stood up and kissed her on the forehead, "You better hurry though, your friends are gonna be here to pick you in an hour."

"Give me forty-five minutes and I'll be done." Anne forced herself to smile before running to her room upstairs. She's really confused right now but she'll get to the bottom of this before the day ends.

 She's really confused right now but she'll get to the bottom of this before the day ends

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Anne jumped up from her seat as she heard the familiar beep from Jess' car. She ran up to the door and was greeted by Jess' blue Sedan.

"Have a great day, sweetheart!" Her mom said before pecking her on the cheek. Her dad hugged before saying, "No kissing boys on the first day, alright?"

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