45. Extraction pt. 1

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*Sorry for the late update guys 😭 College has been a pain in the fucking ass but I AM FINALLY DONE OMG WOOT WOOT 🎉 AND IDEC ABOUT WALKING ACROSS THE STAGE PLS JUST MAIL ME MY DIPLOMA THX. But Now I can focus on finishing this story in peace*

Steve followed behind El deep into the woods as the sun started to set. After nearly a mile of walking, he stopped and leaned against the tree.

"El, look. Do you even know where you're going? Are you for sure you saw the address correctly? Maybe it was something els-"

"Steve, just shut the fuck up okay?", El responded clearly annoyed. "I know what I saw..."

Steve hushed and looked away awkwardly. El continued to walk ahead of him and sniffed as the cold air continued to hit her face.

"I didn't mean to be so pushy. Just... what if she doesn't want to talk to me?"

"She probably won't", El responded without making eye contact. "And you probably ruined her love life for the next 50 years."


El stopped in her tracks and gave him an obvious look.

"You know, dads only say that to scare off the boyfriends. He wouldn't actually do something like that", Steve replied although he didn't entirely believe that himself.

"I'm the chief of police, I can do whatever I want", El said with her best Hopper impression.

They both stared at each other for a second before bursting into laughter.


Hopper and Jonathan continued to walk through the trees as Hopper held on tightly to the lock box.

"So... you approve", Jonathan asked out of the blue.

Hopper looked over expectating him to finish his sentence.

"Steve and Jamie? Doesn't seem like her type."

"Don't even get me started. Her next boyfriend won't be until she's 45."

Jonathan chuckled causing Hopper to roll his eyes.

"How are things with you and Nancy?"

"Oh, everything's good. She loves New York. It's so much different than this... this place."

"Yeah, it was pretty cool there. Your mom wants to leave but, I don't know. I think everything is fine here in Hawkins. Plus, I just bought a house th-"

"Wait, you bought a house?!", Jonathan asked surprisingly as he stopped in his tracks.

"Yeah, I wanted to take her there after I proposed but things didn't go as planned. I thought she may have figured it out when she seen the money was withdrawn from my account", he replied throwing his arm up in the air hopelessly. "Honestly, sometimes I just feel... I just... I dont know", he huffed and felt his pockets for the pack of cigarettes he knew he didn't have.

Jonathan placed a hand on his shoulder and chuckled awkwardly.

"Hey, lighten up. Everything's gonna be alright. Let's just find th-", Jonathan said before Hopper held his arm against his chest and drew his gun.

Jonathan froze as Hopper looked into the distance as if he heard something. Looking around, Hopper held his grip tightly on his gun and turned quickly as he heard the noise again.

"Stop", Steve said quietly as he stretched his arm outwards towards El. "You hear that?"

El stood there and heard nothing but the wind.

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