Past And Present

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Chapter 5- Past And Present

Draken's p.o.v

~14 years ago~

I watched her scream for help in the room. Pounding the walls. Crying. Pleading for anyone to help her. Anyone.

But I was the only one in this building. Just her and I.

I watched over Aira. While Justin watched over Damon in the other side of the building. Damon escaped quite a while ago. That doushe Justin litterally let Damon walk away. I wanted to ring his neck. He let the Male Element Wolf walk away. Good thing I still had Aira. But i havn't seen Justin sence Damon escaped. Maybe he was killed. Who know's.

" Help!" Aira yelled so loud I could hear it through the 2 foot thick door.

" Sorry. No help for you." I snapped back.

" Can i come out?" she said hoarsely.

" Nope." i said, popping the P.

" Please!" she begged. I could hear the fear, hurt, and pleading in her voice.

" Fine." she might as well. She has been good latly. And she has been in her room for a few weeks.

I strutted over to the ' Guardian's ' room wher all the key's are. I opened the old wooden cabnet and grabbed the master key.

Walking back to her room I hear a footstep. Footstep? It was probably mine.

I grab the door handle, shove the key in, turn it, take it out then open the door to see a red-faced Aira.

" Thank you so much Draken." she say's while giving me a hug. I smiled and hugged her back.

" AIRA! " someone yell's. I open my eye's to see a boy running around the corner. I can't help but stare at the midget. Aira stared at the kid too.

Midget man pulled Aira off of me and wispered something in her ear before pushing her to the ground and turning to me, " You won't hurt us anymore!" Midget man yelled at me. I couldn't help but laugh.

" Hurt you? I could hurt you by drop-kicking you over a fence-" I forgot about my comeback when I hear Aira screaming bloody murder.

I rush over to the Aira. She was on the floor. Her muscles tensing up. She was gasping, trying to get some oxygen in her lungs. Then it hit me like a brick; she was transforming.

" Draken..... What... Is...... Happening?" She managed to puff out.

" It's okay. I think it's almost over." I tell her. But truly, I didn't know what was happening. She was the Female Elemental Wolf. All I knew is that she was very powerful. Other then that, I don't know shit.

Suddenly Damon was on top of me. Hitting my sholder with all of his might.. I'm guessing. Because well all know, that midget's don't put up a good fight. I quickly grab the kid's arm and throw him over my sholder. He hit's the ground, his face scrunched from the pain. I could kill this kid if I wanted to. But I did like how he tryed. Tryed ; key word. Not succeed.

While midget man was still on the floor I directed my attention to Aira. She had paws and a tail already. She was changing fast. The stitches of her little blue dress started to rip. Her blonde hair slowly disappearing and changeing into pure white and silky wolf fur. She wasn't in pain anymore, I could tell. She just eased into her wolf.

Damon groaned. I guess I flung him to hard. Oh well. I rolled my eyes, turned around, and looked down the hall. Was someone comming? I could have sworn I herd someone comming-

Something was then slid into me. My side hurt worse then hell it's self. It was burning. It made me wimper a bit. I looked at where the pain was. Damon had his hand on the object so tightly his hand was white. I looked midget man in the eye's. Fear, and hatred ran through his eyes like a river. His hand eased away from my side and he pushed himself backword's, next to Aira in her wolf form. Taking a closer look at my side, I now knew what was in it. A hunter's knife. My shirt was soaked with blood. Pulling the knife out I bite my bottem lip to keep me from screaming, not at the pain, but at Mr. Midget. That little fucker stabbed me. I'm surprised that I havn't ripped his head off and used it as a scoccer ball by now.

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