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imagine getting asked out to prom by the person you've liked for so long. That being Boo Seungkwan.

You sat alone in an empty classroom, casually doing the rest of your homework, when your best friend suddenly came barging in. You were startled and dropped your pencil case, cursing under your breath.

"What the hell, (b/f/n)?! " You yelled in frustration as you started to pick your things up.

Your best friend squeals and takes your arm, tugging you out of the room. "I'm sorry, but we have to go! "

"What? Where are you taking me? "

"You'll see! "

You groaned when you know that there wasn't any chance on getting a straight answer from your best friend. That didn't stop you from asking though.

"It's something important! "

You huffed.

"What's more important than my educa–"

You stopped mid-sentence when you stepped inside the canteen. It was well decorated and there were people holding up big, blank signs. The most surprising part is that Seungkwan stood in the middle of the room, holding a bouquet of flowers and a microphone.

Your throat felt dry as you stuttered, "wh-who is he waiting for? "

(B/f/n) laughs and squeezes your hand before stepping aside. You felt your breath hitch when Seungkwan started to walk towards you, looking nervous as ever.

"(Y/n)," he clears his throat. "I have liked you ever since the day I have laid eyes on you. I like every single thing about you. You're kind, passionate, smart, and I love that diva side of yours. It's very sexy–" you laughed along with everyone else.

"So, to show you how much I like you, let me sing you a song that I wrote."

Soft music started to play and you could hear the girls cooing from the side. Seungkwan started to sing, leaving you mesmerized by his beautiful voice. He hands you the bouquet of your favorite flowers and takes your hand in his. You chuckled when he twirls you around and poked your nose, making you giggle. Seungkwan doesn't let go of your hand as he stands next to you, still singing.

The students who were holding big white cards in their hands made their way in front of you. You gasped when they flipped it over, spelling the word PROM?

Seungkwan sings the last part of his song and stood expectantly, waiting for your answer.

"Do you want to go–"

"Yes," you didn't let him finish and threw yourself onto him for a tight hug. He breathes out a laugh and hugs you back, everyone cheering in the background.

𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘.Where stories live. Discover now