other reasons

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imagine telling Jeonghan you're pregnant.

"Hanii? " You called out, entering your shared room with your fiancé. You involuntarily placed a hand on your stomach, as if asking your week old baby for support.

Jeonghan looks up from his phone and smiled at the sight of you. Though he would always consider himself as the angel of Seventeen, no one would ever compare to his angel. You were both his guardian and blessing.

"Yes, babe? " He sits up and crosses his legs, a look of innocence and confusion written across his face.

You suddenly felt nauseous. You covered your mouth with a hand and rushed towards the bathroom to spill your lunch on the toilet. You felt the comforting hand of your fiancé rubbing circles on your back with the other hand holding up your hair. You stopped puking, flushed, and washed your mouth and hands.

"Oh, baby," he coos, pulling you close by the waist. He felt your forehead and frowned. "You don't have a fever? "

You chuckled. "There are other reasons why I would puke out of the blue."

He thinks for a minute or two before gasping. He pulls away from your hug and sits back down on the bed, with his hands over his mouth. You felt so anxious and afraid. Your palms were sweaty and you bit your lip out of nervousness. What if he leaves you?

"I'm pregnant, Yoon Jeonghan."

You were met by silence. Jeonghan was still trying to process the information, until a huge grin sprawls on his face.

He chuckles, a hand on his forehead as he whispers, "I'm gonna be a father..."

Jeonghan hops out of his seat and carries you, spinning you around. You squealed in surprise and let the happy tears fall. Jeonghan sets you down and wipes those tears away before cupping your cheeks and pulled you into a sweet, loving kiss. You kissed back, glad that he was happy. You mentally scolded yourself for thinking of such thing; Jeonghan would never leave you.

"You don't know how happy I am, my love," he says in your ear. You kissed his neck and breathed in his scent. "You will be the best mother our child has ever had and I will do my best to be the best father. I will spoil him/her until there is no love that will ever compare to ours."

"You'll make an amazing dad, babe."

"I know," he smirks. "I was just trying to make a heartfelt speech. Oh, I gotta tell the others! "

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