Day 22: Favorite Animal Side-Kick, Pet, or Summoning from Any Anime

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Let's see... Theres the animals that appear around the members of the Zodiac in Fruits Basket, that animal thing from Tsubasa Chronicle that serves as a little more than a pet, Duck should count as an animal in Princess Tutu lol, annnd (the only other one I can think of) Tomoe is technically a fox (well a fox demon anyway) and technically Nanami's sidekick in Kamisama Kiss.

So yeah, out of all those choices, the only two that really qualify as a "animal side kick, pet or summoning" is Mokana from Tsubasa Chronicle and Tomoe from Kamisama Kiss (lol). But even though Tomoe is super awesome I'm not going to put him as my favorite animal, you know, being a person and all. So that leaves Mokana... And I don't even really like Mokana. I mean, he/she/whatever is cute and all and it's not that annoying, but I feel like I only like Mokana because Fai is always holding it and Fai is the bestest. Oh well! For a lack of better animals, Mokana wins this chapter.

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