Day 12: Anime I've Rewatched the Most

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Ok, this one really depends if movies count... If so, Howl's Moving Castle all the way!! That movie is just sooo good!! I can watch it a million times, and I'll tell you why. Howl is the bestest. Simple as that. Howl is awesome and he looks good with all his hairstyles throughout the movie and whoever says different is a dirty liar!! And, despite what my friend Hannah argues, HE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE A GIRL!! (that is in bold letters because Hannah seems to think it's fun to say that all the anime characters I hold dear to my heart look like girls, WHEN THEY DON'T. Hannah needs to learn masculine from feminine) Plus,  I think it's super cute when he opens up to Sophie and she's all like "Let's run away Howl, don't fight them!" and he's like "I'm tired of running away, Sophie, I finally have something I want to protect, it's you." Awwwww... Even though like a minute later I was just sittin there like "Hey, wait a minute, what about Markl?" lol. 

If movies don't count, however, then it's Princess Tutu, which I watched a whole 2 times! *gasp*! Yeah... I don't rewatch animes a lot, mostly because I'm always watching new ones. But Princess Tutu is awesome too, as I stated in my Day 1 chapter because it is my first anime series. So yeah, it really didn't take much to become my most rewatched anime... Which reminds me, I gotta rewatch that, I'm getting a little fuzzy on the ending. And that reminds me of another thing, MYTHO DOES NOT LOOK LIKE A GIRL! NOR DOES ANY OF THE OTHER CHARACTERS! I just wanted to clarify that for already explained reasons... Ok, well that wraps up today's challenge question!

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