Day 20: Favorite Anime of Characters Attending High School

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This one is easy, especially since I was watching this anime literally like 15 minutes ago... Ouran High School Host Club! It is like the funniest anime I've ever seen (probably due to the fact that it's like the only comedy anime I watch but still..).

Ouran is like the most over-the-top anime and it makes way funnier. I tried watching it with my sister once and she didn't get it and called it stupid and questioned why Tamiki was calling every girl princess and being dramatic and I was like, that's the point! That's what makes it funny! Plus there's just the right amount of romance mixed in because basically everyone in the host club likes Haruhi. And it has a mix of different character traits that are taken to an extreme.

Tamaki is the princely type who basically thinks he's perfect and calls everyone princess and acts all charming, he also refers to himself as Daddy and considers Haruhi his daughter. Kyoya is the club's manager who is very concerned with money but still nice in a subtle way, he's also referred to as Mommy by Tamaki since he is the club's vice president and Tamiki is the king. Hikaru and Kaoru are twins that like to play games and play tricks on the other members, they also play up their "homosexual tendencies" and can sometimes referred to as twincest (they are also my favorite characters <3). Honey is small and cute despite being the oldest of them all and has a passion for stuffed animals and cake, he is often being carried by or hanging of of Mori. And Mori who is the "strong and silent type" but is very protective of Honey. And then theres Haruhi who is just the "natural type". So yeah, it's a really funny show.

"Hikaru Hitachiin: [referring to Tamaki] Why is he sulking? 

Kaoru Hitachiin: Because Mommy was keeping a secret from Daddy. 

[arrows with boxes reading "Daddy" and "Mommy" pop up, pointing to Tamaki and KyoyaKyoya Ohtori: Whatever. Why does everyone insist on referring to us like we're husband and wife?"

"Tamaki Suou: Just suppose... I'm not really Haruhi's father. "

Lol, i have too much time on my hands and am making these chapters much longer than they need to be. Hahaha, I ammuse myself.

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