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Surprisingly enough, even though I knew I'd slipped up in front of Mike. It didn't worry me. The short moment of panic I was supposed to feel at being caught on a lie was nowhere to be found. Instead, my lips moved in my defense before I even knew it.

"It's like you think I'm a moron, Mike." My voice was low, irritation flowing through clear as day. "I might be human, but I do have a brain."

I turned around to face Mike. He was closer than I'd thought, less than a handspan away. Angels really had no knowledge or respect for personal space.

"Yes, Lou told me about the war. Yes, Lou told me about the losses to both the sides. But Lou is too proud to stoop as low as asking me for help." I narrowed my eyes, leaning in to prove my point. I was deep in this lie now. It was heady. "And apparently..." Mike's blue eyes didn't flinch under my glare, but I could see he knew where I was going with this. "The angels... will."

Mike's lips pressed together, anger clear in his eyes. "Pride means nothing in a war. Pride has not saved my brethren. Pride... has not stopped my comrades from dying!"

"You're right." I nodded, raising my hand and holding the apple up between us. "And my helps will increase the demon casualties on the other side. There are more demons than angels. It sounds like forces are stretched thin. If I were to get found out, you won't be able to protect me. The demons... Lou will ensure I get a painful death. And no amount of reward, or motivation on your end would encourage me to out my life on the line for immortal beings."

Mike looked away, eyes flickering to the apple I was holding up. He hesitated a bit before reaching up to grab it. "So, there's... nothing... nothing I can do."

"You can stop the war, Mike." I let go of the apple. "You can stop the war."

"On what pretext?"

"Co-operation." Where were these words coming from? "Don't fight the demons."

"What..." He looked up from the apple. "What do you mean?"

I looked over Mike's haggard face. He looked my age. He was probably a few centuries old though. I tapped the apple. "The weapon. The weapon is a common threat to angel and demon kind, right?"


"That's why the angels kept it hidden from the demons."

"We didn't-"

"Alright, alright. Angels, allegedly, had knowledge of its location, but kept it, allegedly, hidden from the demons to be used, allegedly, against them if the truce ever shattered. All, allegedly of course, if you didn't get it."

"I'm not a moron, as you put it."

"Could've fooled me." I replied dryly. "Anyway, common enemy of the angels and demons so..." I trailed off, waiting for him to grasp it. There was a few moments of awkward silence. "Alright, uh, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. And the enemy of your enemy is..."


"Yes." I nodded. "The ancient weapon is the demons and angels enemy. Maybe both you guys could unite to find the weapon again and form a temporary truce to end all the killing."

"A temporary... truce." Mike looked away again, staring down at the apple as if it had just dispensed all this wisdom. "That... might work."

"Yes." I nodded, reaching out to pat his shoulder encouragingly. "I hope so. Just don't mention it was me."

"Of course not." Mike replied, looking up from the apple and finally taking a step back. "No one would believe my words anymore if they knew they came from a human."

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