Extra Content: Q&A Call!

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Hello to old readers!

Hello to Lou x Mike shippers! And Axel x Ryleigh shippers! And shippers in general!

And hello to new readers!!!

Happy New Year!
(Or if we're still saying that one week in I don't even know anymore)

It's so nice to have you all gathered here once more!

I kind of want to go back and do something for extra content because I've been missing the trio. A few readers submitted some questions for them like we did last time (Chapter 56 Author Notes) so I was considering something along those lines.

Even if you don't have any questions, it's okay!
Or they are too spicy for the comments— DM me lmao

Or any thoughts about what you want to see for extra content? I'm currently focusing on 'Will of the Fates' so that's all I can write.

This is an unlimited time call! Even if you have questions for Lou, Mike, Ryleigh or anyone else in the book after the Q&A chapter has been published, I'll keep adding them on!

Just drop your questions in the comments! Or my DMs!




—Others (mention their name)—

Have a good day!!

Check out 'Will of the Fates'! I upload weekly!

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