Chapter 11 - Land of Fire (Ramona)

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Ever since returning from the meeting with Sidious, I've been on edge. I'm not alone. All three of us have been on high alert, even though we know he won't be able to strike us tonight. For that reason, I'm not at all surprised when Ariana pulls Teagan and I into a group as soon as we can escape to the guest bedroom.

"We're in big trouble now," announces Ariana, in a low voice, without bothering to have a preamble. Right to the heart of the matter. Great. Now we need to figure out how soon our deaths will occur.

"I know," Teagan replies, while I nod. I felt a tremor in the Force too, but at the same time, I'm not terribly worried about it. What matters most to me is that Anakin won't turn. Even if something does happen to us here, we should be alright at home. I think. At least, I hope.

"I could pretty much read our death sentences written on his face by the time the conversation ended," she continues, the fear in her voice evident. Teagan nods.

"Now what are we going to do?" I worry, edging closer to them. The only lighting in the room now is what's entering the window from the passing traffic. I'm absorbing the fear radiating around the room, which is just making me even more frightened. I'm feeling all of our dread like it's my own. Though I sense dangerousness of our situation, at the same time, I don't honestly think anything will happen to us.

"We'll just have to be extra careful," replies Ariana, a half-smile on her face as she adds, "And trust the feelings we get from the Force about being in danger." We nod in agreement before falling into a tense silence. Left to my own thoughts, my dread is only escalating.

"What if someone tries something tonight?" Teagan whispers, staring at the window, her eyes wide. I glare at her. She didn't need to mention that possibility. I don't want to think that someone would break in when Anakin is here. Or that they might try shooting at us through the window. Shooting. My blood runs cold, and a sudden memory flashes through my mind.

A face, my mother's face floats before me. Her eyes full of grief as she tried so hard to explain to us what had happened when she finally just told us the truth: "Someone shot her."

Listening to the quiet whispers at night, when I was supposed to be sleeping. I couldn't sleep. I just wanted her back at home. I wondered if I'd ever be able to sleep again when I heard the words, "She might not survive."

Hearing my mother telling my grandparents what had happened, "It was too late. She's already gone."

The first of the three, but the youngest. The most undeserving of what happened. The first one I lost, opening a void within me. We were far too young when rudely introduced to the struggles and unfairness of life, when the person we'd loved so much died. No. Was murdered.

I continue spiraling down memory lane, as my mind flashes through events I don't want to remember. Ever.

Holding onto Ariana's hand, unable to let go as we listened to the quiet voices in the living room. Teagan holding onto me on the other side. "Her condition is only getting worse." She couldn't leave us, could she? Not after... Not her too!

Not wanting to understand what we were being told. "The doctors don't think he'll make it through the night." A sense of numb denial, because it couldn't possibly happen again. Or could it?

Unable to come to terms with what happened a third time. None of us could. Ariana lashing out, expressing all our feelings in one sentence, "Hospitals are where people go to die!" Because in our experience, it was true.

I blink back the tears that suddenly sting my eyes and look away, trying to not relive the deaths of my sister, mother, and grandfather. Focus on the here and now. I take a few deep breaths, forcing myself to remember that I'm no longer on Earth. I'm in the Star Wars Universe, a place much less twisted than our home planet. We're safe here. Our only enemy is Sidious. We'll be fine. I hope.

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