Chapter 7 - A Time to Talk (Anakin)

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I stand silently watching the three sisters as they examine their practice lightsabers, their emotions somewhere between awe and glee.

"It's like they've never seen lightsabers before," comments Obi-Wan.

I roll my eyes as I turn to look at him. "They probably haven't, at least based on what they've told me," I reply shortly.

He hums quietly before pinning me with a serious expression. "They're from another dimension, aren't they?"

I nod, mind drifting back to the conversation I had with them yesterday. They are definitely an anomaly, and I don't like how the Force is reacting to them. At all.

"I don't understand," murmurs my former master, and I catch a vaguely troubled feeling through our bond, "Why are they here? With what purpose?"

I exhale. "Something to do with me I think," I venture cautiously, remaining guarded.

"Well they certainly care about you a great deal." I had already ascertained that. If they're trying to keep it a secret, they're doing a bad job at it. Their eyes always seem to betray their every emotion. And there was the comment I overheard Ariana making also... I push the thought from mind, unwilling to admit how much it unnerves me.

"And you," I remind him quietly. It's obvious they care for and trust both of us greatly, even though they hardly know us. Granted, they claim to know everything, but that's not the same. Not really.

"I – It's like I'm being compelled to trust them, Master. I don't like it," I state, crossing my arms, frowning. Every instinct I possess is screaming at me that I can't trust them. It's too soon. I don't even know them, so how can I let myself trust them? I can't even bring myself to trust Obi-Wan with my marriage to Padme and impending fatherhood. Why should I trust three random teenage girls?

Except the Force wants me to. I don't think they have any idea what their presence has done – is doing – to the Force. It's in a turmoil, practicing demanding that we trust them. The Force hasn't let us astray in the past, but this is – it's too strange for any of us to simply accept.

"No one likes it," Obi-Wan adjoins, his blue-gray eyes now focused on the girls. "This is too new, too unique."

"And they're hiding things," I add, mind drifting to when I'd asked them about Vader. "I heard them mentioning that a friend of theirs would prefer meeting someone named Vader over me," I comment, dragging my gaze back to my best friend, brow furrowed in concentration as I drag up the memories and information, "They wouldn't tell me who that is."

"No surprise," murmurs Obi-Wan, meeting my eyes.

"I got the faint impression of 'you' from Ramona when I asked, and an image of that – that whatever he is, from Ariana," I continue, sending Obi-Wan the picture of the black armored – is he a cyborg?

A frown appears on his face, and it takes a moment before he replies. "If they're keeping it a secret, it's hopefully for a good reason," he murmurs pensively, "I can only trust they know what they're doing. They're holding the fate of the galaxy in their hands, and I hope, for all our sakes, that they don't mess this up."

I smirk slightly, trying to cover up how disturbing Obi-Wan's words are. "What? You don't think they can do it?"

He shakes his head. "No, I think they can do it, because the Force gave them this mission. I only hope they do it as painlessly as possible, because we've already seen enough war. I only hope they are acutely aware of all the players, so nothing is overlooked."

I let out a breath slowly, though it doesn't lessen the tension slowly building within me. This is far bigger than just me or Padme. This is – it's huge. The galaxy is in the balance, in the hands of three girls I don't even know. Can they do it? I hope so, for our sakes.

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