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The League goes back to business as usual pretty quickly, with all things considered. It only takes a few hours. Scofield shows the high ranking officials the footage of Key attacking him in his office. His story checks out, and he regains his position as the director of the League. This news is released to the media, and it spreads like wild fire. The question remains about me, however. Was I the one who killed that team in Texas? Why isn't Scofield doing anything about it? This is more difficult to prove immediately since the footage of me in the tower had been erased. I'm still suspended for the meantime us like Scofield told the captains at the assembly, and I'm trying my best not to be rightfully angry about it.

The League contacts me in the morning to request access to my cell phone records. The records will show me sending and receiving messages from New York City, not Texas, at the time of the murders I was framed for, which is good. Hopefully whoever's investigating this isn't out to get me, as well.

Scofield announced a memorial service that's being held today for everyone who was killed in the last few weeks. I decided not to go out of respect for the families of the people who died in Texas, because my face probably isn't what they want to see right now. It wasn't about what's fair to me or not. I didn't lose anyone, and going would've just been selfish. Rowan and I stayed in Jacob's apartment while the rest of the team went.

There's going to be a different kind of ceremony today. Acknowledgement of Service ceremonies usually only happen in December after the KIA rosters are released. Scofield has decided that, in light of recent events, it would be appropriate to have one early. This wouldn't affect us normally, but since Max sent in the paperwork to officially be recognized as Damien's counterpart before everything went to hell, he's been invited. Nobody ever came to the ceremony the year Damien died to accept the service medal and silver captain's cord. Scofield's decided that it's better late than never, and although it took a little convincing from yours truly, Max has agreed to go. He wants me to go with him, and despite the fact that what I really want to do is disappear from the eyes of my fellow League agents forever, I'm going.

Max has yet to introduce Damien to the entire team, so they're in Jacob's art room getting ready. Apparently Damien was making the argument that he should go with Max to the ceremony, but Max shot that down with my support. It would be way too weird for everyone at the ceremony if he were to go, no matter how cool Damien thinks it would be.

I'm sitting on the counter next to the sink in the bathroom, holding still as Rowan glues a Domino mask onto my face. I smile once he's done pressing it down against my skin for good measure. He leans forward and kisses me softly on the lips before pulling back to apply his handiwork.

"There's my favorite League agent," he coos, brushing some hair back from my face. I got into an argument with Thomas this morning over whether I bleach my hair. He simply couldn't believe that my hair can be so platinum blond naturally. I've had this conversation before, so I get the skepticism.

"I'm your favorite?" I reply.

"Of course," he says, like the question is stupid. "You're my favorite person." Oh god, my heart jumps in my chest. If it was possible to explode from emotions alone, I'd be a puddle of mush right now.

"You're mine, too," I reply, leaning forward to rest my forehead against his chest.

I hop down from the counter a little while later. Max is waiting in the living room when Rowan and I get there, pacing circles around the coffee table.

"Hey, hey," I say, grabbing his arm. "Relax. You just gotta accept the tokens and then you can come back here to your man."

He smiles, but the corner of his mouth quivers in a way that's unlike him.

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